look at the first site, there you can read the properties.is there a scrollview property?
look at the first site, there you can read the properties.is there a scrollview property?
Look at this example.is there a scrollview property?
how to solve ASTabMenu (vertical mode) when there are many .AddTab ;
can you upload a image?Currently, it's at the left of my tab icon and I need it right top or right
and you need the badge over the icon and right of it?
no, it's not your fault, it's my. I'll check it and make a update for it.Is there a standard image size I should be using?
you dont need a size, the view do it for you.Yes, it is but what size should I use?
to obtain the height of the mBase pane
getBaseView As B4XView
gets the mbase
Thanks that's done the trick.Important Update
- Icon Size is now smaller
- Badge Bug Fixing