We recently had a particular problem with a BANano Webapp running on a phone from a client which we could not reproduce on any of our devices. It was impossible for us to have this device in our office to debug it. If only we could see what is in his logs and his database locally on the phone...
In BANano v9.05 we have build a very simple to use solution: receiving remote logs and databases on demand.
De code in de WebApp is pretty simple:
the json has two properties:
log = {}
db = {}
our jServer REST API catches the json and saves it in our database:
We can then later analyze this report and for this we have created two new objects in BANanoSkeleton to read it easier: SKJsonEditor and SKRemoteLogView which looks something like this:
The code behind this is also quite simple:
BANano 9.05 will be released in week or two.
In BANano v9.05 we have build a very simple to use solution: receiving remote logs and databases on demand.
De code in de WebApp is pretty simple:
' first in AppStart we tell the Transpiler we want this option
' when the user encounters his problem, he just presses a button and his log for the last hour + his database is send to us in json format
' ...
' the previous call raises this event when it has build the json file from his logs and database
Sub BANano_RemoteLog(json As String)
End Sub
public Sub SendWaitRemoteLog(json As String)
Dim fetch As BANanoFetch
Dim fetchOptions As BANanoFetchOptions
Dim fetchResponse As BANanoFetchResponse
Dim data As Map
Dim Error As String
fetchOptions.Method = "POST"
fetchOptions.Body = json
fetchOptions.Headers = CreateMap("Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "api_key": APIKey)
fetch.Initialize(APIUrl & "/v1/registration/uploadlog", fetchOptions)
If data.get("status") = "OK" Then
SKTools.ShowToast("Report send...", "info", 3000, True)
End If
SKTools.ShowToast(Error, "info", 3000, True)
End Sub
the json has two properties:
log = {}
db = {}
our jServer REST API catches the json and saves it in our database:
public Sub UploadLog(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse) As String
Dim OTID As Int = req.GetSession.GetAttribute2("OTID", 0)
Dim Response As String
Dim bodyCode As String
Dim body As TextReader
resp.ContentType = "application/json"
bodyCode = body.ReadAll
Response = $"{"status": "NOK", "message": "JSON not valid"}"$
Return Response
End Try
If bodyCode.StartsWith("{") Then
Dim jsonP As JSONParser
DBMApp.InsertLog(400,OTID, 0, 0, 0, "PWA REMOTE LOG", "", req.FullRequestURI, 0, bodyCode)
Response = $"{"status": "OK"}"$
Response = $"{"status": "NOK", "message": "JSON not valid"}"$
End Try
Response = $"{"status": "NOK"}"$
End If
Return Response
End Sub
We can then later analyze this report and for this we have created two new objects in BANanoSkeleton to read it easier: SKJsonEditor and SKRemoteLogView which looks something like this:
The code behind this is also quite simple:
Sub BANano_Ready()
Dim layout As SKLayout
layout = layout.Initialize(Me, "body")
' for this demo I just load such a json from a file on disk
Dim jsonMap As Map = BANano.Await(BANano.GetFileAsJSON("../test.json", Null))
Dim emptyM As Map
Dim DBMap As Map = jsonMap.GetDefault("db", emptyM)
Dim logMap As Map = jsonMap.GetDefault("log", emptyM)
If DBMap.Size > 0 Then
layout.AddFlexColumns(1,12,12,12, "center")
layout.LastRow.Column(1).MarginTop = "20px"
Dim jsonEditor As SKJsonEditor = layout.LastRow.Column(1).Add.JsonEditor("jsoneditor", "jsoneditor", "400px", "view")
jsonEditor.MarginLeft = "10px"
jsonEditor.Marginright = "10px"
End If
If logMap.Size > 0 Then
layout.AddFlexColumns(1,12,12,12, "center")
layout.LastRow.Column(1).MarginTop = "20px"
Dim remotelog As SKRemoteLogViewer = layout.LastRow.Column(1).Add.RemoteLogViewer("remotelog", "remotelog", "600px")
remotelog.MarginLeft = "10px"
remotelog.Marginright = "10px"
End If
End Sub
BANano 9.05 will be released in week or two.