Share My Creation BLE Projects - Power up Demos

Hi all, just a couple projects using BLE

BLE 700mts+, 24/7 for monitoring in fish farms, and now (in the video) adding(testing) control.. (the video is showing the first prototype)

amplifiers, it connects automatic to those amplifiers

simple test BLE+nRF

Demo: Hello LAIRD BL653 using this module BL653

Demo: test BLE Example with ESP32-C3

Demo: test BLE + ePaper

Demo: Test, nice chart + BLE + pulse sensor

Demo: Test, IC nRF52 + B4J: Bleak - Bluetooth BLE
I tested it with Nordic's nRF52 and nRF51 chips, and looking good...
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Longtime User
Speaking of BLE...

I purchased one of these $50 chinese smart watches that connect to an android "companion" app so that notifications and incoming call messages can be sent from my phone to the watch's display.

Is there any tool that you know of that I can snoop on the BLE protocol between the android companion app the the watch?

This way I could hopefully write a B4A app to replace the companion app and get the watch to do new things.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Speaking of BLE...

I purchased one of these $50 chinese smart watches that connect to an android "companion" app so that notifications and incoming call messages can be sent from my phone to the watch's display.

Is there any tool that you know of that I can snoop on the BLE protocol between the android companion app the the watch?

This way I could hopefully write a B4A app to replace the companion app and get the watch to do new things.
Not really answering your question but I once wrapped for a client an SDK for one of these cheap watches which he had obtained from the manufacturer.
Normally there is one manufacturer which provides the watch to end-sellers with different brands but the SDK and the firmware on the watch are often the same.
So try to get hold of the manufacturer and ask if they have an SDK.


Licensed User
Longtime User


Licensed User
Longtime User
Speaking of BLE...

I purchased one of these $50 chinese smart watches that connect to an android "companion" app so that notifications and incoming call messages can be sent from my phone to the watch's display.

Is there any tool that you know of that I can snoop on the BLE protocol between the android companion app the the watch?

This way I could hopefully write a B4A app to replace the companion app and get the watch to do new things.

I can think of two ways:

1) The easiest is to download the apk of the Android app and decompile it
2) Man-in-the-middle. Build two arduino projects which utilize BLE and RF, set the first BLE to the name of the watch and connect it to the phone, connect the second BLE to the watch and by separating the two projects enough so that the watch's BLE cannot connect to the phone but the RFs can communicate, log and transfer the communications this way:
BLE watch <-> BLE Ard1 <-> RF Ard1 <-> RF Ard2 <-> BLE Ard2 With Watch's Name <-> Phone BLE


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Licensed User
Longtime User
1) The easiest is to download the apk of the Android app and decompile it
I know that it is possible, but I never did it myself - is it time consuming?