Android Question Bluetooth Connect ( Unknown type )


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I have a BT device that i dont know how to connect to .
I Can not connect to it as serial device .( PTT button )
And it does not show up with BLE

If i use this code :
    jo = jo.InitializeStatic("android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter").RunMethod("getDefaultAdapter", Null)
    Dim PairedDevices() As Object = jo.RunMethodJO("getBondedDevices", Null).RunMethod("toArray", Null)
    For Each pd As JavaObject In PairedDevices
        Log(pd.RunMethod("getName", Null))
        Log(pd.RunMethod("getAddress", Null))
        Log(pd.RunMethodJO("getBluetoothClass", Null).RunMethod("getDeviceClass", Null))
        Log(pd.RunMethodJO("getBluetoothClass", Null).RunMethod("getMajorDeviceClass", Null))

I get Device Class 1292
And Major 1280

How can i connect to to it ?
I can pair it in settings okey .

// Nizze

If i
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