Android Question Bluetooth - not receiving anything

Orly Andico

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Longtime User
I'm trying to speak to a device over bluetooth serial.. this works fine using Putty from my PC, but I am not getting any response on Android. If I remove the check for Ready, the whole thing hangs. It seems I am not getting any data across at all.

Also, since the device I'm talking to is an embedded controller, I am not able to see if the commands are seen on the other side. However, a commercial Android application that also talks to this controller, works fine, so I know the bluetooth-to-serial converter is working.

Any ideas?

Sub SendCmd ( Txt As String, len As Int) As String
    Dim ret As String
    ret = ""
    If connected = True Then
        ToastMessageShow("Send: " & Txt, False)
        ' wait for response
        If (len > 0) Then
            If TextReader1.Ready Then
                ret = TextReader1.ReadLine
                ' get rid of the trailing pound sign
                ret = ret.Replace("#", "")

                ToastMessageShow("Receive: " & ret, False)
                Return ret
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Orly Andico

Licensed User
Longtime User
... even for serial emulators? the controller i'm talking to requires synchronous calls, e.g. if i send a command, i had better get a response. not sure how i can implement that with asyncstreams...
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