Share My Creation Breadboard Grid Template

As I often need to experiment with visually represented matrices on a grid, I always have this B4J project ready to start prototyping.

Hopefully, it might be of interest to some of you.

#Region  Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 600
    #MainFormHeight: 600
    #IgnoreWarnings: 12
#End Region

#Region Init
    Sub Process_Globals
        Type Grid(gridStep As Double, sizeX As Int, sizeY As Int, width As Double, height As Double, left As Double, right As Double, top As Double, btm As Double, matrix(,) As Int)
        Type Point(x As Double, y As Double)
        Private fx As JFX
        Private MainForm As Form
        Private cvs As Canvas
        Private cvsCenterX As Double
        Private cvsCenterY As Double
        Private testGrid As Grid
        Private MainLoop As Timer
        Private colorMap As Map
    End Sub

    Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) 
        MainForm = Form1
        MainForm.Resizable = False
        MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(cvs, 0, 0, MainForm.Width, MainForm.Height)
        cvsCenterX = cvs.Width / 2
        cvsCenterY = cvs.Height / 2
        colorMap.Put(1, fx.Colors.Red)
        colorMap.Put(2, fx.Colors.Green)
        colorMap.Put(3, fx.Colors.Blue)
        MainLoop.Initialize("MainLoop", 16)
        MainLoop.Enabled = True
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region User Code
    Sub InitCode
        InitializeGrid(20, 20, 20)
    End Sub

    Sub MainLoop_Tick
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region User Functions
    'Your stuff goes here
#End Region

#Region Utilities 
    'Returns the pixel center of the given cell
    Sub GridToPixel(gridX As Int, gridY As Int) As Point
        Dim p As Point : p.initialize
        p.x = (testGrid.left + (gridX * testGrid.gridStep)) + (testGrid.gridStep / 2)
        p.y = (  + (gridY * testGrid.gridStep)) + (testGrid.gridStep / 2)
        Return p
    End Sub
    'Returns the cell corresponding to the given pixel location
    Sub PixelToGrid(x As Double, y As Double) As Point
        Dim p As Point : p.initialize
        p.x = Max(Min((-testGrid.left + x) / testGrid.gridStep, testGrid.sizeX - 1), 0)
        p.y = Max(Min((  + y) / testGrid.gridStep, testGrid.sizeY - 1), 0)
        Return p
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region PreBaked Code
    Sub InitializeGrid(sizeX As Int, sizeY As Int, gridStep As Double) 
        If gridStep <= 0 Then gridStep = 10
        If sizeX <= 0 Or sizeY <= 0 Then
            sizeX = cvs.Width  / gridStep
            sizeY = cvs.Height / gridStep
        End If
        testGrid.gridStep = gridStep
        testGrid.sizeX    = sizeX
        testGrid.sizeY    = sizeY
        testGrid.width    = sizeX * gridStep
        testGrid.height   = sizeY * gridStep
        testGrid.left     = cvsCenterX - (testGrid.width / 2)      = cvsCenterY - (testGrid.height / 2)
        testGrid.right    = testGrid.left + testGrid.width
        testGrid.btm      =  + testGrid.height
        Dim matrix(sizeX, sizeY) As Int : testGrid.matrix = matrix
    End Sub

    Sub RandomlyPopulateGrid(densityPercentage As Int)
        Dim lowest = 1, highest As Int
        For Each key In colorMap.Keys : highest = Max(highest, key) : Next
        For x = 0 To testGrid.sizeX - 1
            For y = 0 To testGrid.sizeY - 1
                If Rnd(0, 101) > densityPercentage Then Continue
                testGrid.matrix(x, y) = Rnd(lowest, highest + 1)
    End Sub

    Sub DrawAll
    End Sub

    Sub DrawCells
        Dim gX, gY As Double
        For x = 0 To testGrid.sizeX - 1
            gX = testGrid.left + (x * testGrid.gridStep)
            For y = 0 To testGrid.sizeY - 1
                gY = + (y * testGrid.gridStep)
                If testGrid.matrix(x, y) > 0 Then     
                    cvs.DrawRect(gX, gY, testGrid.gridStep, testGrid.gridStep, colorMap.Get(testGrid.matrix(x, y)), True, 0)
                End If
    End Sub

    Sub ClearCanvas
        cvs.ClearRect(0, 0, cvs.Width, cvs.Height) 
    End Sub

    Sub DrawGrid     
        For x = testGrid.left To (testGrid.left + testGrid.width) Step testGrid.gridStep
            cvs.DrawLine(x,, x, testGrid.btm, fx.Colors.DarkGray, 1)
        For y = To ( + testGrid.height) Step testGrid.gridStep
            cvs.DrawLine (testGrid.left, y, testGrid.right, y, fx.Colors.DarkGray, 1)
    End Sub 
#End Region

#Region User Interface
    Sub cvs_MousePressed(eventData As MouseEvent)
        Dim p = PixelToGrid(eventData.X, eventData.Y) As Point
        If eventData.PrimaryButtonDown Then testGrid.matrix(p.x, p.y) = 1 Else testGrid.matrix(p.x, p.y) = 0
    End Sub

    Sub cvs_MouseDragged(eventData As MouseEvent)
        Dim p = PixelToGrid(eventData.X, eventData.Y) As Point
        If eventData.PrimaryButtonDown Then testGrid.matrix(p.x, p.y) = 1 Else testGrid.matrix(p.x, p.y) = 0
    End Sub  
#End Region



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Well-Known Member
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Great!, Thanks a lot for sharing!

to find the row and column clicked:
'Returns the cell row and column to the given pixel location (starts at 0)
Sub PixelToCell(x As Double, y As Double) As Point
    Dim p As Point : p.initialize
    p.x = Floor(x Mod testGrid.gridStep)
    p.y = Floor(y Mod testGrid.gridStep)   
    Return p  
End Sub