Building up a Scrollview from Designer?


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Is there any way to build up a long Scrollview from the Designer?

Is my only path at this point to create the Scrollview from the Designer and then fill programmatically? If I fill programmatically, how do I control how views are placed?

We use ScrollView in the SDK frequently for wrapping around a long layout that the user will scroll. These a layouts are not simple lists of the same item repeating. They are data entry forms that are often longer than the real estate of the screen. Is there a way to do that here?


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You have two options.
You can load it programmatically. You can manually set the exact position of each view. See this example: ScrollView example
If the layout is not too long you can create a new layout file for the ScrollView. Use an emulator with a custom size and set its height to be long enough.
Place the views.
Load the layout file with ScrollView.Panel.LoadLayout(...).
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