I have started with this app 3 years ago and include StartActivity and so on.
Now, I can not change to B4X version, because the App has lot of codes an pages.
I have try it, to change but I get lot of Errors and then I have see, I need lot of time for this.
Now, I have implement the example from
B4A + B4i barcode reader. Don't miss: - #PlistExtra in B4i. - Manifest code + #AdditionalJar in B4A Depends on BCToast: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bctoast-cross-platform-custom-toast-message.111046/#content (BCToast will be an internal library in the near future) While the...
and now I need, how can I pass data from B4XClass to activity pages.
And how cann use CallSub ??
Your Method not works at me
I hoppe you can understand me