Hi, All
How to decode correctly the android.sensor.info.physicalSize: 5.2224x3.9168 that is in "android.util.SizeF" class ?
How correctly decode the value when name = "android.sensor.info.physicalSize" ?
How to decode correctly the android.sensor.info.physicalSize: 5.2224x3.9168 that is in "android.util.SizeF" class ?
android.sensor.info.physicalSize: 5.2224x3.9168
Private Sub PrintAllKeys (CameraMap As Object, title As String) 'ignore
Log($"****** ${title} **********"$)
Dim jo As JavaObject = CameraMap
Dim keys As List = jo.RunMethod("getKeys", Null)
For Each k As JavaObject In keys
Dim value As Object = jo.RunMethod("get", Array(k))
If value = Null Then Continue
Dim typ As String = GetType(value)
If typ = "[F" Then
value = FloatsToList(value)
Else If typ = "[I" Then
value = IntsToList(value)
Else If typ = "[Z" Then
value = BoolsToList(value)
Else If typ = "[B" Then
value = BytesToList(value)
Else if typ.StartsWith("[") Then
value = ObjectsToList(value)
Else if typ.EndsWith("SizeF") Then
End If
Log($"${k.RunMethod("getName", Null)}: ${value}"$)
Dim name As String = k.RunMethod("getName", Null)
If name = "android.sensor.info.physicalSize" Then
Log(value) 'NOW IT'S EMPTY
End If
End Sub
How correctly decode the value when name = "android.sensor.info.physicalSize" ?