compiles fine for me under jdk8 with the correct full type in the resulting xml. How have you changed to jdk8? How have you overridden the existing Camera2 files? I just compiled to a new library, Camera2x.
Really, I wish that would work for me. Here is exactly what I did.
1. Download the file from the link in post #1 provided by Erel.
2. Create on my desktop a folder structure called ..\c2\src\
3. Place the in that directory.
4. Go to library compiler and set the first 3 text fields to:
a) C:\users\myusername\Desktop\c2
b) Camera2
c) (I keep this the default -b4aignore)
5. I then made sure I downloaded the jdk-8u261-windows-x64.exe and ran it.
6. In B4A, in Configure Paths, in the javac.exe box, I enter the new C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\bin\javac.exe
7. Note, when I compile using LibraryCompiler, I receive the message in my previous post about 50 warnings, yet it compiles and places the new Camera2.jar and Camera2.xml file in the Additional Libraries path I have set in B4A.
8. These are the exact attached files in my previous post.
9. I know it used jdk 8, because when I compiled it, on first time, windows firewall prompted me to allow the new compiler.
10. I then copy the 2 files as created and posted in my previous post, and Override the Camera2.jar and Camera2.xml in the c:\program files (x86)\anywhere software\basic4android\libraries folder.
11. I refresh the libraries, and check, uncheck and recheck the Camera2 library in the Video Recorder sample that is available here:
12. I get the errors as per previous post on trying to compile.
a) could you kindly send me your 2 files for your camera2x library so I can test it out?
b) can you kindly advise me what I might be doing wrong as above?
c) I have a feeling I should be placing the .java file in a proper src path, but what should I use, /src/b4a/com/camera2/ ??
d) do you get the sample camera app erroring when you use my 2 files outputted from library compiler in my previous post?
Really appreciate your help!