Android Tutorial CharSequence / CSBuilder Tutorial

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B4A v6.80 adds several new features related to the ability to format rich strings.


CharSequence is a native interface in Android SDK. A String is one implementation of CharSequence.
There are other implementations of CharSequence that provide more features and allow us to format the string, add images and even make parts of the text clickable.

Starting from B4A v6.80 many methods accept CharSequence instead of String. Existing code will work properly as you can pass regular strings. However you can now also pass more interesting CharSequences.

Note to library developers, if your library makes calls to APIs that work with CharSequences then you should change your method signatures to expect CharSequence instead of String. This will allow developers to format the text.

There are two ways to create CharSequences: agraham's RichString library or the new CSBuilder object.

This tutorial covers the new CSBuilder object.
CSBuilder is similar to StringBuilder. Instead of building strings, it builds CharSequences that include style information.

Using it is quite simple.
Dim cs As CSBuilder
Label1.Text = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello World!").PopAll

Almost all methods of CSBuilder return the object itself. This allows us to chain the method calls.
Text is always appended with the Append method.
There are various attributes that can be set. Setting an attribute marks the beginning of a style span.
Calling Pop ends the last span that was added (and not ended yet).
Calling PopAll ends all open spans. It is convenient to always call PopAll at the end to ensure that all spans are closed.

'example of explicitly popping an attribute:
Label1.Text = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello ").Pop.Append("World!").PopAll

'It doesn't matter whether the methods are chained or split into several lines:
Dim cs As CSBuilder
cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello ")
cs.Bold.Color(Colors.Green).Append("Colorful ").Pop.Pop 'two pops: the first removes the green color and the second removes the bold style
Label1.Text = cs
'can also be set as the activity title
Activity.Title = cs
'and Toast messages and in other places...
ToastMessageShow(cs, True)

Using the new Typeface.FONTAWESOME and MATERIALICONS

Dim cs As CSBuilder
Label1.Text = cs.Initialize.Append("Text with FontAwesome: ").Typeface(Typeface.FONTAWESOME).Append(Chr(0xF209)).PopAll
'Using the same builder multiple times. Note that it is initialized each time.
'Note that we vertically align the material icon character.
cs.Initialize.Append("Text with MaterialIcons: ").Typeface(Typeface.MATERIALICONS).VerticalAlign(5dip).Append(Chr(0xE531)).PopAll
Activity.Title = cs


Dim cs As CSBuilder
cs.Append("B4A: ").Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "b4a.png"), 40dip, 40dip, False).Append(CRLF)
cs.Append("B4i: ").Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "b4i.png"), 40dip, 40dip, False).Append(CRLF)
cs.Append("B4J: ").Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "b4j.png"), 40dip, 40dip, False).Append(CRLF)
cs.Append("B4R: ").Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "b4r.png"), 40dip, 40dip, False).Append(CRLF)
Label1.Text = cs
Activity.Title = cs

The last parameter sets the image alignment. If it is true then the image will be aligned to the baseline, otherwise it is aligned to the bottom.

Clickable text

The Clickable method creates clickable text. For the event to be raised you must call cs.EnableClickEvents.
The Append method accepts a CharSequence. In the following code the CreateClickableWord sub returns a CharSequence that is then appended to the other CharSqeuence.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim cs As CSBuilder
   cs.Initialize.Size(30).Append("Some ").Append(CreateClickableWord("words"))
   cs.Append(" are ").Append(CreateClickableWord("clickable")).Append(".").PopAll
   Label1.Text = cs
End Sub

Sub CreateClickableWord(Text As String) As CSBuilder
   Dim cs As CSBuilder
   Return cs.Initialize.Underline.Color(0xFF00D0FF).Clickable("word", Text).Append(Text).PopAll
End Sub

Sub Word_Click (Tag As Object)
   Log($"You have clicked on word: ${Tag}"$)
End Sub

ListView also supports CharSequence items

For i = 1 To 100
   ListView1.AddSingleLine(cs.Initialize.Color(Rnd(0xFF000000, -1)).Alignment("ALIGN_CENTER").Append($"Item #${i}"$).PopAll)

This allows us to highlight the search term in SearchView:


Center aligned text

MsgboxAsync(cs.Initialize.Alignment("ALIGN_CENTER").Append($"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nam tristique metus eget sem sollicitudin, vel pulvinar nisl interdum. In sed ullamcorper lacus.
Duis ultricies urna eget faucibus ullamcorper. Donec maximus egestas tortor, vitae suscipit est varius in
Donec at arcu ut odio hendrerit molestie. Curabitur molestie felis enim, ac sodales sapien posuere sit amet."$).PopAll, _
cs.Initialize.Typeface(Typeface.FONTAWESOME).Color(0xFF01FF20).Size(40).Append(Chr(0xF17B) & " " & Chr(0xF17B) & " "& Chr(0xF17B)).PopAll)

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Can you use that code for an EditText and delete the images as they were simple single characters?
You can assign a CharSequence to EditText. I'm not sure how it will work with the images.
It works perfectly !!! :)

... almost perfect: you can't get text and images from the EditText and build then the new string (this is not a bug of CSBuider, of course).
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Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi All,

Trying to set the appcompat actionbar title with a custom font and color but the title is not showing. I am using the below lines

cb.Initialize.Append("app title").Typeface(ty).Color(


Dave O

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
So if we want to include support for CharSequence in our classes and libraries, should we be changing external-facing String parameters (and any related internal ones) to CSBuilder?

(If I understand correctly, we can't reference CharSequence directly.)
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