Could someone please tell me if there is an easy way to check in code if the first character of a string was entered as uppercase or not? I don't want to convert it - just check it.
Could also get an ASCII/Int value of the first char and do a range compare if English text. May even work without the numeric conversion with something like > "@" and < "[". Be sure to check for length of string/no input so the substring or whatever you use to get the first char doesn't fail.
If Asc(txt) >= 65 AND Asc(txt) <= 90 Then '65 is A, 90 is Z
Msgbox(txt & " starts with an upper case letter.","")
Msgbox(txt & " starts with a lower case letter or something else.","")
End If
Yeah, something like that would work. May have to still check for an empty string. There is also an old trick using 32(The 6th bit) too. If you notice the values are 32 apart, so checking for or toggling that bit determines case. ASCII and bytes were so simple before they tossed in all this Unicode stuff.