B4A Library [Class] File Explorer with visualization


I created this class because I was frustrated by the File Dialog in the (great) Dialogs lib. With that class, you can customize everything (since you have the source code) and add new functions like rename, delete, create folder, etc.
Currently, the class can visualize picture and text files (or not if you set the option to false) when you select them.
You can make multiple selections.

If your activity contains a TabHost, loot at post #7.

Add this permission to the manifest for Android v4+:

Since September 1st 2014, this class is completely free.



  • img1.jpg
    54.1 KB · Views: 3,602
  • img2.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 3,079
  • multi.png
    41.6 KB · Views: 2,897
  • FileExplorer v2.1.zip
    61.2 KB · Views: 2,419
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Could you check that you have the right class in your folder? because you cannot have this error with the class v2.1.
it work when put Initialize at button Click events for example ,when put Initialize in Activity_Create event not work and give above message
Thank you


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No event in B4A can be raised in Activity_Create, so there's no way. You have to open your dialog in Activy_Resume.
Thank you for your time
may be i didn't understand , i just need to automatically paint file explorer in Activity_Create ,i did not to capture any thing in Activity_Create
but file explorer class event itself not work after that (i create function in class to send data to sub in activity)

also when i try to finish activity (which have file explorer) and go to other activity its not work??


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From a theoretical point of view, Activity_Create has to be used to initialize your data structures, creates instances of classes, etc., not to run interactive code. And from a practical point of view, FileExplorer cannot work in Activity_Create because it is a modal dialog (it stops the flow of your program until it is closed so you cannot reach the step where events are processed). For both reasons, you have to open your dialog (and it's the same thing for MsgBox, for example) in Activity_Resume (or any other event which is not Activity_Create), where events are normally processed by the system. There's no other way.


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v2.1: Donationware
- Single or multi-selection
- Compatible with B4A obfuscation
- Fast scroll panel
- Ellipsis in the middle + long click to display the full name
- Needs the libraries: Reflection and Animation.

This really Worth it, It's Amazing, and the UltimateListView, It's just Awesome.
Thank's man!
Best Regards!


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when i click button "ok" open a panel over file explorer with 2 buttons, but file explorer closes and i want only close when i click button1 and not the other.
thank you


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no problem,thank you.i´m read your ClsExplorer code am trying to put 2 more buttons.


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Is there a similar library for B4J - or will this work with B4J?


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Please can you assist - Using the demo app provided I keep getting the message 'Unable to access folder' when selecting the 'sdcard' folder under '/mnt'.

I get the same error message on both my devices which are running kitkat and lollipop.



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Please can you assist - Using the demo app provided I keep getting the message 'Unable to access folder' when selecting the 'sdcard' folder under '/mnt'.

I get the same error message on both my devices which are running kitkat and lollipop.

Since Kitkat, some folders have a restricted access. You cannot enter them if the device is not rooted.
Note that the SDCard folder is available only if you have a SDCard inside your device and there are different paths to access the internal or external storage, e.g. /sdcard/, /storage/sdcard0/ or /storage/emulated/0/. Find the right path with the File functions of B4A.