Works perfectfull and improved addItem Sub
I fixed some of the calculations and make it grow from the bottom up (comment the part if you do not want it like that:
B4X:Public Sub AddItem(Text As String, Image As Bitmap, ReturnValue As Object) Dim item As ActionItem item.Initialize item.Text = Text item.Image = Image item.Value = ReturnValue If Not(Image.IsInitialized) Then mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Null, ReturnValue) Else mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Image, ReturnValue) End If 'Log (mListView.Size & " items Hight:" & (mListView.Size * itemHeight)) 'mSlidePanel.Height = mListView.Size * itemHeight - 2 'If (mSlidePanel.Height > 100%y - mSlidePanel.Top) Then mSlidePanel.Height = 100%y - mSlidePanel.Top mSlidePanel.Height = mListView.Size * itemHeight - 2 If (mSlidePanel.Height > 100%y) Then mSlidePanel.Height = 100%y mSlidePanel.Top = 100%y-mSlidePanel.Height ' set to grow from the bottom mListView.Height = mSlidePanel.Height 'log ("width=" & mlistView.Width) Dim c As Canvas c.Initialize(mListView) Dim w As Int = c.MeasureStringWidth(Text,mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Typeface,mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.TextSize) + mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Left+ 10 'Log ("w=" & w) If (w>100%x) Then w = 100%x If (w > mSlidePanel.Width ) Then ' if smaller no need to change, leave the width as the wider of all labels 'Log ("setting width to be:" & w) mSlidePanel.Width = w mListView.Width = w End If End Sub
you will need to add this var Private itemHeight As Int
itemHeight = mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.itemHeight + 2
Works perfectfull and improved addItem Sub
I fixed some of the calculations and make it grow from the bottom up (comment the part if you do not want it like that:
B4X:Public Sub AddItem(Text As String, Image As Bitmap, ReturnValue As Object) Dim item As ActionItem item.Initialize item.Text = Text item.Image = Image item.Value = ReturnValue If Not(Image.IsInitialized) Then mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Null, ReturnValue) Else mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Image, ReturnValue) End If 'Log (mListView.Size & " items Hight:" & (mListView.Size * itemHeight)) 'mSlidePanel.Height = mListView.Size * itemHeight - 2 'If (mSlidePanel.Height > 100%y - mSlidePanel.Top) Then mSlidePanel.Height = 100%y - mSlidePanel.Top mSlidePanel.Height = mListView.Size * itemHeight - 2 If (mSlidePanel.Height > 100%y) Then mSlidePanel.Height = 100%y mSlidePanel.Top = 100%y-mSlidePanel.Height ' set to grow from the bottom mListView.Height = mSlidePanel.Height 'log ("width=" & mlistView.Width) Dim c As Canvas c.Initialize(mListView) Dim w As Int = c.MeasureStringWidth(Text,mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Typeface,mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.TextSize) + mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Left+ 10 'Log ("w=" & w) If (w>100%x) Then w = 100%x If (w > mSlidePanel.Width ) Then ' if smaller no need to change, leave the width as the wider of all labels 'Log ("setting width to be:" & w) mSlidePanel.Width = w mListView.Width = w End If End Sub
you will need to add this var Private itemHeight As Int
itemHeight = mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.itemHeight + 2
I am using the sample code:
B4X:Private Sub mListView_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object) Dim subname As String Hide subname = mEventName & "_Click" If SubExists(mModule, subname) Then 'CallSub2(mModule, subname, Value) CallSubDelayed2(mModule, subname, Value) End If End Sub
But nothing happens except the ToastMessage was shown.
I tried also
(replace mModule with Main (where the subs are placed) but also nohting happenedB4X:If SubExists(Main, subname) Then ''CallSub2(Main, subname, Value) CallSubDelayed2(Main, subname, Value) End If
Sub SlideMenu_Click(Item As Object)
ToastMessageShow("Item clicked: " & Item, False)
If Item = "ende" Then
End If
End Sub
First of all thanks for this nice class: I have couple of questions:-
1- Is it possible to display the SlideMenu on the right-side and animate from right -> left as well.
2- When I am adding Arabic text (العربية) into add item it doesn't show text. Only English text is being displayed. P.N Arabic text other than SlideMenu shwoing on my APP.
1 - You may consider using AHNavigationDrawer library. It can handle slides from left and right.
2 - No Idea. The class uses a simple Listview I think. Have you tried Arabic text on a normal ListView in B4A?
Sub Initialize(Activity As Activity, Module As Object, EventName As String, Top As Int, Width As Int)
mModule = Module
mEventName = EventName
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.SecondLabel.Visible = False
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = 50dip
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.SetLayout(13dip, 13dip, 29dip, 19dip)
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Left = Width - 40dip
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Height = mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Top = 0
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Left = -45dip
mListView.TwoLinesAndBitmap.Label.Typeface = fnc.ArFont
mListView.Color = Colors.RGB(148, 0, 211)
mInAnimation.InitializeTranslate("", 100%x - Width, 0, 100%x - Width, 0)
mInAnimation.Duration = 200
mOutAnimation.InitializeTranslate("Out", 100%x + Width, 0, 100%x + Width, 0)
mOutAnimation.Duration = 200
Activity.AddView(mSlidePanel, 0, Top, Width, 20%y - Top)
mBackPanel.Color = Colors.Transparent
Activity.AddView(mBackPanel, 100%x, 0, -100%x, 20%y)
mSlidePanel.AddView(mListView, 0, 0, mSlidePanel.Width, mSlidePanel.Height)
mSlidePanel.Visible = False
End Sub
'Adds an item to the SlideMenu
' Text - Text to show in menu
' Image - Image to show
' ReturnValue - The value that will be returned in the Click event
Public Sub AddItem(Text As String, Image As Bitmap, ReturnValue As Object)
Dim item As ActionItem
item.Text = Text
item.Image = Image
item.Value = ReturnValue
If Not(Image.IsInitialized) Then
mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Null, ReturnValue)
mListView.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(Text, "", Image, ReturnValue)
End If
End Sub
'Show the SlideMenu
Public Sub Show
If isVisible = True Then Return
mBackPanel.Left = 100%x + mBackPanel.Width
mSlidePanel.Left = 100%x - mSlidePanel.Width
mSlidePanel.Visible = True
End Sub
hi corwin,
i'm trying to implement sliding menu. so far it works properly, and it's nice.
but i found something weird.
i use sliding menu, additem about 5 or 6 items.
to get the value when user choose the menu, i use:
B4X:Sub SlideMenu_Click(Item As Object) Dim ix As Int ix=Item Select Case ix Case 1 'profile StartActivity(ProfileForm) Case 2 'new StartActivity(NewArticle) Case 3 'search Case 4 'Category Case 5 'About StartActivity(AboutUs) Case 6 'logout StartActivity(LoginForm) Activity.Finish End Select End Sub
the slide menu was working good and calls the correct action using slide or menu button. but after i got back from the called activity (pressing back to get back to this current form which has a slide menu), i can't slide the menu, i can't event call the slide menu with menu button on below. it's stopped. i have to press the power button to turn off the screen, wait for a moment (10-20 seconds), then turn the screen on again to access the slide menu.
is there anything i should type, perhaps in Activity_Resume?
here is the activity log:
B4X:LogCat connected to: B4A-Bridge: Hisense AD683G-a1000033e86438 --------- beginning of /dev/log/system --------- beginning of /dev/log/main Installing file. PackageAdded: package:rony.cerita.seru ** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true ** ** Activity (main) Resume ** startService: class anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.httputils2.httputils2service ** Service (httputils2service) Create ** ** Service (httputils2service) Start ** ** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true ** ** Activity (menuutama) Create, isFirst = true ** ** Activity (menuutama) Resume ** ** Activity (menuutama) Pause, UserClosed = false ** ** Activity (profileform) Create, isFirst = true ** ** Activity (profileform) Resume ** ** Activity (profileform) Pause, UserClosed = true ** ** Activity (menuutama) Resume ** ** Activity (menuutama) Pause, UserClosed = false ** ** Activity (menuutama) Resume ** ** Activity (menuutama) Pause, UserClosed = false **
profileform has a slidemenu and it is called from menuutama using slidemenu.
profileform has never failed but menuutama will hang for a while then it works again.
something wrong with slidemenu when Resume event is raised.
Public Sub Hide(animated As Boolean)
If isVisible = False Then Return
If animated = True Then
mOutAnimation.Duration = 200
mOutAnimation.Duration = 0
End If
mBackPanel.Left = -mBackPanel.Width
mSlidePanel.Left = -mSlidePanel.Width
End Sub
Private Sub mBackPanel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
If Action = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mListView_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim subname As String
subname = mEventName & "_Click"
If SubExists(mModule, subname) Then
CallSub2(mModule, subname, Value)
End If
End Sub