B4A Library [Class] SlideMenu

This is a class that implements a sliding menu as seen in many apps like Google+, Evernote, Facebook etc.

Requires B4A 2.0 or newer.


  • SlideMenuClass_1_0.zip
    12.6 KB · Views: 5,222
  • screenshot-1340094419260.png
    32.3 KB · Views: 6,522


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Tried to make it appear left or right but animation is not my strongest point :)

Want to use it as a replacement for the Quick vertical menu together with the actionbar. That will probably solve my issues without the need for libraries.

Could you add either left or right top?


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This is soooooo great. I love it

I must learn class programming ASAP. This is fantastic.

Thanks for sharing it.


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Excellent work mate.... Just to let you know, there is a bug, if the keyboard is open, and you press the menu key, the SlideMenu behaves unexpectedly. It shows the menu, but no click event get registered.


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Hi Corwin,

Thank you for this nice example.
I will use it as a starting point for Classes.



Licensed User
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Very nice indeed. It scrolls properly when a large number of items are added to it.


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Excellent work mate.... Just to let you know, there is a bug, if the keyboard is open, and you press the menu key, the SlideMenu behaves unexpectedly. It shows the menu, but no click event get registered.

I had a similar problem. After three clicks the events stopped being registered.

Just after


I added


That solved my problem.

See line 81,82 in the class.

Thanks for a great class!


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I had a similar problem. After three clicks the events stopped being registered.

Just after


I added


That solved my problem.

See line 81,82 in the class.

Thanks for a great class!
cheers mate. That did indeed solved the problem.


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Can someone confirm a bug for me? To reproduce:
Set one of the Item's to start a separate activity
Open Menu
Select Item (opens new activity)
Go back to first activity
Open Menu

On my device the menu will open and close really fast. I have to press menu once again in order to open and use it. I am assuming something needs to go in Activity_Resume, just not sure what exactly. Anyone?


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Can someone confirm a bug for me? To reproduce:
Set one of the Item's to start a separate activity
Open Menu
Select Item (opens new activity)
Go back to first activity
Open Menu

On my device the menu will open and close really fast. I have to press menu once again in order to open and use it. I am assuming something needs to go in Activity_Resume, just not sure what exactly. Anyone?

Ahh, I seemed to have found the problem.

sm.IsVisible doesn't get set to false when opening a new activity. This is my temp fix until someone can comment on this:

In SlideMenu class add:
Public Sub SetVisible (Visible As Boolean)
   mSlidePanel.Visible = Visible
End Sub

In main activity, under Activity_Pause add:

This does the trick, but maybe someone has a better way?


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I like the slide menu so I included it in my app. However the software crashes now. I included the code that JonPM suggested.

To get an crash do the following:
- download slidemenucrash.zip
- start app
- open the menu
- slowly (!!) press on the Screenshot - or About & Help item

The strange thing is that when you click the item very fast it all goes well.

Can some one help me here?




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I like the slide menu so I included it in my app. However the software crashes now. I included the code that JonPM suggested.

To get an crash do the following:
- download slidemenucrash.zip
- start app
- open the menu
- slowly (!!) press on the Screenshot - or About & Help item

The strange thing is that when you click the item very fast it all goes well.

I get no crash with the About & Help item.
The width of you slide menu is not enough for my screen (854x480). You should define it in dips instead of %.


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Informatx, touch the help & about item for about 1 second. What happens then?
