In the new release from the B4J IDE
B4J 10 beta you can use code snippets.
You can organize them in b4xlib files.
Create a folder and name it Snippets.
Open an editor (Notepad++) and create a new text file.
Use the Code Selector application and select a snippet.
Change the variable names to $<variable name>$ using the go! button.
When all the variable names are changed you can drag and drop that snippet in the text file from the editor.
Save the text file in the editor to the Snippets folder (using a good file name).
Repeat the process for all the other snippets in the Code Selector list.
Use a zip-tool to create a zip-file from the Snippets folder and rename the zip file to for instance ListSnippets.b4xlib
Copy that library file to the Additional Libraries folder (or in my case to the sub folder B4J of that Additional Libraries folder).
Now when you open a project in the B4J IDE you can select the ListSnippets.b4xlib in the Libraries Manager panel.
In the editor window of the B4J IDE you can then start typing list... or code... and a list will appear.
Select a snippet from the list and the snippet content will appear.
You can use the TAB key to go to each variable name to type the correct name.
When you press ENTER you accept the changes and the cursor will be at the location of the $end$ variable from the snippet (if specified).
This is a really cool addition to the B4J IDE.
In the attachment you can find the ListSnippets.b4xlib library file i used in this example.