Android Tutorial Converting VB6 to B4A

Below is a table listing features of Visual Basic 6 and their equivalents in B4A.

If you find errors or wish to add other features, post a reply here to have your input integrated into the table (which will be updated as needed).

This file is primarily for reference when converting Visual Basic 6 source code to B4A.
  VB6                  B4A
  ===                  ===
controls            Views  (button, edittext, label, etc.)
In the VB6 code window, the top left drop-down list contains all
the controls you have placed in the current form and the right list
contains all the events for each control.  The equivalent in B4A can
be found by clicking on Designer - Tools - Generate Members. Once
you have created Subs in the program coding window, the tab "Modules"
on the right side will list each of the Subs.
In B4A, you start by typing "Sub [viewName]" followed by a space and
follow the prompts, pressing Enter after each selection until B4A
ends with "EventName" highlighted. This is where you would type in
the name of the Sub.
editBox = string      editBox.Text = string
In VB6, you can leave ".Text" off the names of controls when assigning
text to them, but this is not allowed in B4A.

Dim Array(n)        Dim Array(n+1)
While "n" is the last index number in VB6, it indicates the number
of array elements when used in B4A. For example, to Dim an array
with 0-32 elements in VB6, you would say Dim A(32), while to convert
this to B4A, you need to change it to Dim A(33), yet index #33 is
never used (doing so would cause an out-of-range error).
ReDim Preserve      Use a List.
ReDim Array()       Dim Array(n+1) -- to clear an array, just Dim it again.
[Dim a Int: Dim b as Boolean]
If Not b Then...    If Not(b) Then...
If b Then...        same
If b = True Then    same
If a Then...        If a > 0 Then...
                       B4A does not treat any non-zero value as True like VB6.
a = a + b           If b = True Then a = a - 1
                       Boolean's value cannot be used in a math function in B4A.
Global Const x=1    B4A does not have a Global Const function.
                       In Sub Globals, you can say   Dim x as Int: x = 1
                       but x is not a constant (it's value can be changed).

Loops, If-Then, Select Case:
Do [Until/While]    same
Loop [Until/While]  Loop  [Until/While not allowed.]
For - Next          same
For i... - Next i   The loop variable (i) is not allowed with Next.
Exit Do/For         Exit
If - Then - Else    same, except VB's ElseIf is "Else If" in B4A; ditto EndIf
   ---              Continue [Skips to Next in For-Next loop]
For i = 1 to 6        For i = 1 to 6
  If i <> 4 Then        If i = 4 Then Continue
    ...code...          ...code...
  End If                ...
Next                  Next
Select Case [expr]  Select [value]

L1.BackColor =      L1.Color = Colors.Red
L1.ForeColor =      L1.TextColor = Colors.Black

Calling a sub:
SubName x, y        SubName(x, y)
Sub SubName()       Sub SubName() As Int/String/etc. -- a Global variable cannot be
                       a parameter, so say that "player" is a Global variable, you
                       cannot say: PlayCard(player). Instead you have to say:
                       i=player: PlayCard(i)
Function FName()    Sub FName() As [var.type]
   As [var.type]       In B4A, any Sub can be used like a Function by adding a
                       variable type such as
                          Sub CheckX(x As Int) As Boolean
                             ...optional code...
                             If x = [desired value] Then Return True
                             ...optional code...
                          End Sub
                       If no Return is given, then zero/False/"" is returned, but
                       the IDE will give a warning, so it is better to Return 0/False/"".
                       The calling code does not have to reference the returned
                       value, so that while "If CheckX(x) = True..." is valid,
                       so is just "CheckX(x)"
Exit Sub            Return
Exit Function       Return [value]

DoEvents            same, except that Erel says:
                    "Calling DoEvents in a loop consumes a lot of resources and
                    it doesn't allow the system to process all waiting messages
                    properly." This was in response to my pointing out that while
                    in a Do Loop with DoEvents in it, WebView could not be loaded
                    or if loaded, would not process a hyperlink click. And Agraham
                    says: "Looping is bad practice on mobile devices. The CPU will
                    be constantly executing code and using battery power as the
                    code will never get back to the OS idle loop where the hardware
                    power saving measures are invoked."
Format()            NumberFormat & NumberFormat2 [see documentation]
InputBox($)         InputList(Items as List, Title, CheckedItem as Int) as Int
can list multiple       Shows list of choices with radio buttons. Returns index.
choices for which       CheckedItem is the default.
the user enters a   InputMultiList(Items as List, Title) As List
number to choose.       User can select multiple items via checkboxes.
                        Returns list with the indexes of boxes checked.
MsgBox "text"       MsgBox("text", "title")
i=MsgBox()          MsgBox2(Message, Title, Positive, Cancel, Negative, Icon) as Int
                        Displays three buttons with text to display for buttons
                           (Positive, Cancel, Negative)
                        Icon is displayed near the title and is specified like:
                           LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "[filename].gif")
   ---              ToastMessageShow(text, b) [where b=True for long duration]
Following is a Sub from Pfriemler which acts like InputBox:
Sub InputBox(Prompt As String, Title As String, Default As String, Hint As String) As String
    Dim Id As InputDialog
    Id.Hint = Hint
    Id.Input = Default
    ret = Id.Show(Prompt, Title, "OK", "","Abbrechen", Null)
    If ret = -1 Then Return Id.Input Else Return ""
End Sub

Rnd is < 1          Rnd(min, max) is integer >= min to < max
Rnd(-#)             RndSeed(#) - causes Rnd to generate the same random number series
                                 for the same # entered.
Randomize           Not needed in B4A to randomize Rnd.
Round(n)            same, or Round2(n, x) where x=number of decimal places

i = Val(string)     If IsNumber(string) Then i = string Else i = 0 --
                    An attempt to use i=string "throws an exception" if the string is
                    not numbers, even if the string starts with numbers. For example,
                    t = "10:45"
                    i = Val(t) sets i=10 but causes an error in B4A.
                    i = t.SubString2(0, 2) = 10
control.SetFocus    view.RequestFocus
n / 0 : error       n / 0 = 2147483647 -- B4A does not "throw an exception" for
                       division by 0, but it does return 2147483647 no matter
                       what the value of "n" is.
x = Shell("...")    See "Intent". This is not a complete replacement, but allows
                       code such as the following from the B4A forum (by Erel):
                    Dim pi As PhoneIntents
                    StartActivity (pi.OpenBrowser("[URL]file:///sdcard/yourfile.html[/URL]"))
t = Timer           t = DateTime.Now ' Ticks are number of milliseconds since 1-1-70

In VB6, TabIndex can be set to control the order in which controls get focus
when Tab is pressed. According to Erel, in B4A:
   "Android handles the sequence according to their position. You can set
    EditText.ForceDone = True in all your EditTexts. Then catch the
    EditText_EnterPressed event and explicitly set the focus to the next
    view (with EditText.RequestFocus)."

Setting Label Transparency:
Properties - Back Style        Designer - Drawable - Alpha

""                  Quote = Chr$(34)
vbCr                CRLF = Chr$(10)
vbCrLf              none

String "Members":
VB6 uses a character position pointer starting with 1.
B4A uses a character Index pointer starting with 0.
        VB6                        B4A
Mid$("abcde", 1, 1) = "a" = letter array index 0 -- "a" = "abcde".CharAt(0)
Mid$("abcde", 2, 1) = "b" = letter array index 1
Mid$("abcde", 3, 1) = "c" = letter array index 2
Mid$("abcde", 4, 1) = "d" = letter array index 3
Mid$("abcde", 5, 1) = "e" = letter array index 4
     VB6                               B4A
     ===                               ===
Mid$(text, n, 1)                    text.CharAt(n-1)
Mid$(text, n)                       text.SubString(n-1)
Mid$(text, n, x) [x=length wanted]  text.SubString2(n-1, n+x-1) [n+x-1=end position]
Mid$(text, n, x) = text2            text = text.SubString2(0, n-2) & _
                                           text2.SubString2(0, x-1) & _
                                           text.SubString(n-1 + z)  where...
                                             z = Min(x, text2.length)
Left$(text, n)  [n=num.of chars.]   text.SubString2(0, n)
Right$(text, n)                     text.SubString(text.Length - n + 1)
If a$ = b$...                       If a.CompareTo(b)...
If Right$(text, n) = text2...       If text.EndsWith(text2)...
If Left$(text, n) = text2...        If text.StartsWith(text2)...
If Lcase$(text) = Lcase$(text2)...  If text.EqualsIgnoreCase(text2)...
Following are some subs from NeoTechni which take the place of VB6
string functions:
Sub Left(Text As String, Length As Long)As String
   If length>text.Length Then length=text.Length
   Return text.SubString2(0, length)
End Sub
Sub Right(Text As String, Length As Long) As String
   If length>text.Length Then length=text.Length
   Return text.SubString(text.Length-length)
End Sub
Sub Mid(Text As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
   Return text.SubString2(start-1,start+length-1)
End Sub
Sub Split(Text As String, Delimiter As String) As String()
   Return Regex.Split(delimter,text)
End Sub

x = Len(text)                       x = text.Length
text = Replace(text, str, str2)     text.Replace(str, str2)
Lcase(text)                         text.ToLowerCase
Ucase(text)                         text.ToUpperCase
Trim(text)                          text.Trim
  (no LTrim or RTrim in B4A)
Instr(text, string)                 text.IndexOf(string)
Instr(int, text, string)            text.IndexOf2(string, int)
                                       Returns -1 if not found.
                                       Returns char. index, not position.
                                       Starts search at "int".
InStrRev(text, str, start, case)    text.LastIndexOf(string)
  Searches from end of string,      text.LastIndexOf(string, start)
    optionally from "start".           Cannot specify case sensitivity.
  case = 0 = case-sensitive
  case = 0 = case-insensitive
                                    A boolean form of IndexOf is -
                                    If text.Contains(string) = True Then...
If Lcase$(x) = Lcase$(y)...         If x.EqualsIgnoreCase(y)...
text = Left$(text, n) & s &         text.Insert(n, s)
          Right$(Text, y)
Asc(s) [where s = a character]      same

Error Trapping:
Sub SomeSub
   On [Local] Error GoTo ErrorTrap
      ...some code...
   On Error GoTo 0 [optional end to error trapping]
   ...optional additional code...
   Exit Sub [to avoid executing ErrorTrap code]
   ...optional code for error correction...
   Resume [optional: "Resume Next" or "Resume [line label]".
End Sub
Sub SomeSub
      ...some code...
   Catch [only executes if error above]
      Log(LastException) [optional]
      ...optional code for error correction...
   End Try
   ...optional additional code...
End Sub
WIth B4A, if you get an error caught in the middle of a large subroutine, you can
NOT make a correction and resume within the code you were executing. Only the code
in "Catch" gets executed, plus any code following "End Try".
Try-Catch in place of GoTo:
Try-Catch can be used as a substitute for GoTo [line label] for forward, but not
backward, jumps. It cannot be used to replace GoSub, for which B4A has no equivalent.
Start the code with "Try" and replace the [line label] with "Catch".
Replace "GoTo [line label]" with code which will create an exception, which causes
a jump to "Catch", such as OpenInput("bad path", "bad filename").

"Immediate Window" vs "Logs" Tab
Comments, variable values, etc., can be displayed in VB6's Immediate
Window by entering into the code "Debug.Print ...".
In the B4A environment, the Logs tab on the right side of the IDE is a
way to show the values of variables, etc., while the code is running.
Both VB6 and (now) B4A allow single-stepping through the code while it
is running and viewing the values of variables. VB6 also allows changing
the value of variables, changing the code, jumping to other lines from
the current line, etc. Because B4A runs on a PC while the app runs on
a separate device, B4A is currently unable to duplicate all of these
VB6 debug features.
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I've been rewriting subs since I'm used to the VB way


Sub Left(Text As String, Length As Long)As String 
    If length>text.Length Then length=text.Length 
    Return text.SubString2(0, length)
End Sub

Sub Right(Text As String, Length As Long) As String
    If length>text.Length Then length=text.Length 
    Return text.SubString(text.Length-length)
End Sub

Sub Mid(Text As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String 
    Return text.SubString2(start-1,start+length-1)
End Sub

Sub Split(Text As String, Delimiter As String) As String()
    Return Regex.Split(delimter,text)
End Sub


instr() ?

Sub Instr(Text As String, TextToFind As String, Start As Int) As Int
Return text.IndexOf2(texttofind,start)
End Sub

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Many thanks!

This is not working for me:
Out of Bounds
- in vb6 these were not 0 based arrays
and if the lenth wasn't provided it defaulted to the length/end of the text
Sub Mid(Text As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String 
    If Len(Text) = 0 Then
        Return ""
    End If    
    Return Text.SubString2(Start-1,Start+Length-1)
End Sub
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Well-Known Member
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I just got used to it being zero indexed.
and b4a sadly doesn't support optional parameters. I've been trying to get that changed but some guy keeps trying to change the subject to something completely different/inferior


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If it's not the date n time driving me nuts.
Its the zero based stuff having to place -1 and +1 in just the right place.

Thanks for the heads up about the optional parameters.
I was wondering what all the msgbox2 and msgbox3 etc was for.



Licensed User
Longtime User
in vb you could reference a control like
frmMain.controls("lblScoresP" & lbl.tag).text
can you do anything similar in b4a?


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Comming from vb6 myself,
I have not seen this control array indexing,
nor have I had need for it.

Although you can have say multiple buttons like on a calculator app with the same name
and use a special command (Sender)
to find out which button it was that fired the click routine.

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anyone know the b4a for ubounds to find how many items are in an array?

for I = 1 to ubound(aryContact)


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Dim aryContact(5) As String

For i = 1 to aryContact.length


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Yes please, as in:

POIs for Google Maps.

'Version 1.20
'With ScrollView2D


Dim Table1, Table2 As Table

 Table1.LoadTableFromCSV(lblPath.Text, lblFileName.Text, True)

            For r = 0 To 1000    'Where is the .size for table
'            Log(r)
'            Log(Table1.GetValue(0, r))
'            Log(Table1.GetValue(1,r))
'            Log(Table1.GetValue(2,r))

                Location1.Initialize2(Table1.GetValue(1, r), Table1.GetValue(0, r))
'            Log(Location1.Latitude)
'                Log(Location1.Longitude)
'                Log(Location1)

                LocationName = Table1.GetValue(2,r)

            'Log("myLoc: " & myLocationCircle.Contains(Location1))

                If myLocationCircle.Contains(Location1) Then
                     Log("adding: " & r)
                     Table2.AddRow(Array As String(Location1.Latitude, Location1.Longitude, LocationName, True))
                     Dim m As typMarker
            = Location1.Latitude
                     m.lng = Location1.Longitude
                     m.Name = LocationName
                     m.close = True
                    End If

        End Try

'    Table2.visible = True
'    Table1.visible = False

                     Table2.AddRow(Array As String("Done", "", "", ""))
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Longtime User
Hello ;) I'm new here and my congratulations for the good work you made, and still making,with this B4A.
I understood that B4A is not the same as VB, is a kind of subset of it, but I have some issues here, and the most important is about manipulating arrays: wich methods, or functions exist in B4A to do it?
Ex: split strings to get an array / sort arrays / search values / convert arrays to strings (join?), and so on, like you have in VB?
:icon_clap: And found the undocumented keyword "Mod" like in Basic:
Mod (ex: x Mod y)

Thanks for any help.


New Member
Hello .
:) I was wondering how my app develop with VB6.0 can be an android app using Basic4android .. I dont know how to start .. Thank you Very much..


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Problem with StateManager

i have included Reflection library but i am not able to access statemanger. I want to know that which kind of library support the StateManger .Any help is appreciated...

Kamal kishor


Well-Known Member
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i have included Reflection library but i am not able to access statemanger. I want to know that which kind of library support the StateManger .Any help is appreciated...

Kamal kishor

State Manager isn't a library, but rather it is a pre-made code module that you add to your project. Download the module, copy to your project's folder then in B4A add existing module to the project.