I recommend some testing to find out what is best method for your needs.
Every method has it pros and cons that you may want to check from this Stack Overflow thread.
Every method has it pros and cons that you may want to check from this Stack Overflow thread.
BufferedStreamsCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
BufferedReaderCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
CustomBufferStreamCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
CustomBufferReaderCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
CustomBufferBufferedStreamCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
CustomBufferBufferedReaderCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
NioBufferCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
NioTransferCopy (Source As String, Target As String) As Boolean
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