Android Question Create "OK Google" ?


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I'm wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on this. I'm trying to create an app that runs in the background listening for a command/phrase. Like the way "OK Google" works or like the "Hi Galaxy" feature on the Samsung devices. Is there a way that I can have a background service listen for a custom phrase like these do and then run some code once it hears the phrase?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I was looking for that long time ago and i am not sure but I think it is not possible without pushing any button or stg like that.
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Licensed User
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it is not simple to implement, but in the logical side of things, you need a service to catch the microphone input, and voice recognition to find the correct phrase...
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Licensed User
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Feeling pretty discouraged now lol. I'll still play around and see if I can come up with something good. If I do I will let you now.
I appreciate the help and input guys!
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Well-Known Member
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Does that feature provide by Google/Samsung only? I mean it's very deep intergration so our app can not access this low API. We can only make an app that can "listen" by record the sound from microphone, compare raw data with "sample voice", if it matched then do something if not then repeat every steps from beginning. Howerver, it will occur the microphone all the time and drain the battery too much.
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