Can someone give me the equivalent using HttpJob to those 2 Curl commands, please
1 - this one should return a JSon :
curl https://www.cloud.lims.fr/lims/webservices/databases
-H "Authorization: Basic c2dzX2FkbWluOkxTZGJAZG1pbjAw"
2 - this one should return a Binary file :
curl https://www.cloud.lims.fr/lims/webservices/databases/NUTRILABO-20231106-Monday.backup
-H "Authorization: Basic c2dzX2FkbWluOkxTZGJAZG1pbjAw"
Thanks a lot
Can someone give me the equivalent using HttpJob to those 2 Curl commands, please
1 - this one should return a JSon :
curl https://www.cloud.lims.fr/lims/webservices/databases
-H "Authorization: Basic c2dzX2FkbWluOkxTZGJAZG1pbjAw"
2 - this one should return a Binary file :
curl https://www.cloud.lims.fr/lims/webservices/databases/NUTRILABO-20231106-Monday.backup
-H "Authorization: Basic c2dzX2FkbWluOkxTZGJAZG1pbjAw"
Thanks a lot