Hi Roger: You are probably asleep as I write this. But, most of the formatting properties you are showing in your listview, you can do in the Designer of customlistview layout as shown in the attached project. In the project, I create a list of items and display them on the xCLV. The layout file is called: 1
I have created this project to give you an idea how you get from a list of text items to display inside an xCLV. In this case, using addTextItems xCLV methods. It can get more elaborate when you add other layouts with different types of views, like checkbox, B4Xswitch, labels, edittext, buttons, etc.
Unzip and run this project to see how it works and look at its code. Once you start getting comfortable with xCLV, , also seeing the videos and threads, you probably will not be interested in ListView anymore, but you start liking xCLV much better and start exploring its broader features.