Hii Expert
I designing CustomListView in my app.
I need it five different times and in five different look with other layout
I have issue with p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,60%x,35%x)
I am confuse about how to give width and height,
so is their is any way to get panel used height
also if i'm giving height width manually ,
it change in different resolution mobile.
Thanks in advance.
I designing CustomListView in my app.
I need it five different times and in five different look with other layout
I have issue with p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,60%x,35%x)
I am confuse about how to give width and height,
so is their is any way to get panel used height
also if i'm giving height width manually ,
it change in different resolution mobile.
Thanks in advance.