Android Question Download folder and APK >33, an unsolvable problem?


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I know many people won't be able to hear it anymore, but how do I get a file in the download folder under APK34? Before the shitstorm starts, please finish reading.

1. I can't set the app to maxAPK29 in the manifest. Outdated Apps with this maxAPK level cannot be installed on an APK33+ device (Samsung A55).
2. The file I need is not generated by my app. Then I could park the file somewhere in another directory to which I also have access. It comes to the device via a website download. Question: Where does this file end up automatically?
3. The app is not intended for release in the Playstore.

After spending the whole afternoon searching the forum for a solution to my problem, I am more than confused. Somehow everything is going round in circles.

What options do I have to at least read the downloaded file and then somehow utilise it further? Which way works? Ideally, this file should also be deleted from the download directory after the data has been integrated. Clean Desk. That would make sense. But for that I would even need write authorisation in the download folder.

Can my app somehow redirect a download so that it doesn't end up in the download directory or does anyone know a practical procedure?

Cheers BV


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