If you start building your first Server web app - this is the simplest example of the dynamically generated web-page with just a plain HTML form code, without any JavaScript, CSS... Just a bare functional.
It helps to pass your settings into the web-app and show back some info from the app.
Only code of the app handler (class module "grabber_settings" - note it's referenced in the HTML-form code) is shown where all is done - receiving form fields and reply to the user (to web-browser) by HTML-code.
The generated web-page is self-refreshed each 10 seconds to update the status on the screen.
Some links are to the variables in Main app module, ignore them (it's for main app function: grabber of RTSP video stream to .jpg-frames).
It helps to pass your settings into the web-app and show back some info from the app.
Only code of the app handler (class module "grabber_settings" - note it's referenced in the HTML-form code) is shown where all is done - receiving form fields and reply to the user (to web-browser) by HTML-code.
The generated web-page is self-refreshed each 10 seconds to update the status on the screen.
Some links are to the variables in Main app module, ignore them (it's for main app function: grabber of RTSP video stream to .jpg-frames).
B4J web-app handler code:
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Dim Params As Map = req.ParameterMap
' Log(CRLF & "------------" & CRLF & "Method: " & req.Method)
' Log("ContentType: " & req.ContentType)
' Log(req.GetSession.GetAttributesNames)
' Log(Params)
Dim form_result, ResponseText As StringBuilder
Dim new_url As String = req.GetParameter("RTSP_URL")
If new_url <> "" Then
If new_url <> Main.RTSP_URL Then
Main.Grabbing = False
Main.RTSP_URL = new_url
form_result.Append("New URL is saved.").Append(CRLF)
form_result.Append("URL was not changed.").Append(CRLF)
End If
End If
Dim new_url As String = req.GetParameter("frames_path")
If new_url <> "" Then
If new_url <> Main.Frames_Path Then
If File.Exists(new_url, "") Then
Main.Frames_Path = new_url
form_result.Append("New path is saved.").Append(CRLF)
form_result.Append("New path was WRONG: non-existent, ignored.").Append(CRLF)
End If
form_result.Append("Path was not changed.").Append(CRLF)
End If
End If
If Params.ContainsKey("btnStart") Then
Main.LastGrabbingError = ""
Main.LastOutputFile = ""
Main.Grabbing = True
form_result.Append("Service is started.").Append(CRLF)
End If
If Params.ContainsKey("btnStop") Then
Main.Grabbing = False
form_result.Append("Service is stopped.").Append(CRLF)
End If
ResponseText.Append($"<html><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">"$) 'auto-refresh web-page
ResponseText.Append("Server v." & Main.ver & " time: " & DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now))
ResponseText.Append("<form method='POST' action='grabber_settings'>")
Dim rtsp_form As String = $"Source IP-camera RTSP address: <input type="text" name="RTSP_URL" size="35" value="$ & Main.RTSP_URL & "></input>"
rtsp_form = rtsp_form & $"<button type="Submit">Save URL</button>"$
Dim rtsp_form As String = $"Grabbed frames path: <input type="text" name="frames_path" size="65" value="$ & Main.Frames_Path & "></input>"
rtsp_form = rtsp_form & $"<button type="Submit">Save path</button>"$
ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("Grabbing service: " & (IIf(Main.Grabbing, $"<button type="Submit" name="btnStop">STOP</button>"$, _
$"<button type="Submit" name="btnStart">START !</button>"$)))
If form_result.Length > 0 Then
End If
If Main.LastOutputFile <> "" Then
Dim path As String = File.GetFileParent(Main.LastOutputFile)
Dim FileExt As String = Main.LastOutputFile.SubString2(Main.LastOutputFile.Length - 4, Main.LastOutputFile.Length)
Dim Files As List = File.ListFiles(path)
Dim counter As Long
For i = 0 To Files.Size - 1
Dim fn As String = Files.Get(i)
If fn.EndsWith(FileExt) Then
counter = counter + 1
End If
ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("LastOutputFile: " & Main.LastOutputFile & "<br>" & FileExt & "-frames totally grabbed = " & counter)
End If
If Main.LastGrabbingError <> "" Then
ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("LastGrabbingError: " & Main.LastGrabbingError)
End If
resp.Write(ResponseText.ToString) 'pass the reply HTML text to user's browser
resp.SendError(500, "Server internal error")
End Try
End Sub
- Saving the parameters from fields
- Error reporting
Runtime errors reporting:
- Working and reporting about the status
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