Android Code Snippet Dynamic (Random String) Example

I made Function to create a random String by asking for
Permission (Repeat char :True/False - Start With 0 :True/False) .
i thing it is usefull .
Random String Example:
sub random_any(allStr As String,Lngth As Int,Repeat As Boolean,Start0 As Boolean) As String
    If allStr="" Then allStr="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    Dim rndm As Int
    Dim res As String
    Dim trnd As Char
    For i =0 To Lngth-1
        If i=0 And rndm=0 And Start0=False Then rndm=Rnd(1,allStr.Length-1)
        trnd =allStr.CharAt(rndm)
        res=res  & trnd
        If Repeat=False Then allStr=allStr.Replace(trnd,"")
    Return res
End Sub
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