'version: 1.05
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Type cuContact (Id As Long, DisplayName As String)
Type cuEmail (Email As String, EmailType As String)
Type cuPhone (Number As String, PhoneType As String)
Private mailTypes, phoneTypes As Map
Private cr As ContentResolver
Private dataUri, contactUri, rawContactUri As Uri
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
mailTypes.Put("1", "home")
mailTypes.Put("2", "work")
mailTypes.Put("3", "other")
mailTypes.Put("4", "mobile")
phoneTypes.Put("1", "home")
phoneTypes.Put("2", "mobile")
phoneTypes.Put("3", "work")
phoneTypes.Put("4", "fax_work")
phoneTypes.Put("5", "fax_home")
phoneTypes.Put("6", "pager")
phoneTypes.Put("7", "other")
phoneTypes.Put("8", "callback")
phoneTypes.Put("9", "car")
phoneTypes.Put("10", "company_main")
phoneTypes.Put("11", "isdn")
phoneTypes.Put("12", "main")
phoneTypes.Put("13", "other_fax")
phoneTypes.Put("14", "radio")
phoneTypes.Put("15", "telex")
phoneTypes.Put("16", "tty_tdd")
phoneTypes.Put("17", "work_mobile")
phoneTypes.Put("18", "work_pager")
phoneTypes.Put("19", "assistant")
phoneTypes.Put("20", "mms")
End Sub
'Returns a List with cuContact items based on the given name.
'Name - Name to look for.
'Exact - Whether to search for the exact name or to search for names that contain the given value.
'VisibleOnly - Whether to return only visible contacts.
Public Sub FindContactsByName(Name As String, Exact As Boolean, VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/name", "data1", Name, "=", Exact, VisibleOnly)
End Sub
'Similar to FindContactsByName. Finds contacts based on the mail address.
Public Sub FindContactsByMail(Mail As String, Exact As Boolean, VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/email_v2", "data1", Mail, "=", Exact, VisibleOnly)
End Sub
'Similar to FindContactsByName. Finds contacts based on the notes field.
Public Sub FindContactsByNotes(Note As String, Exact As Boolean, VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/note", "data1", Note, "=", Exact, VisibleOnly)
End Sub
'Similar to FindContactsByName. Finds contacts based on the phone number.
Public Sub FindContactsByPhone(PhoneNumber As String, Exact As Boolean, VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2", "data1", PhoneNumber, "=", Exact, VisibleOnly)
End Sub
'Returns the starred contacts.
Public Sub FindContactsByStarred(Starred As Boolean) As List
Dim value As String
If Starred Then value = "1" Else value = "0"
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/name", "starred", value,"=", True, True)
End Sub
'Returns all contacts.
Public Sub FindAllContacts(VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/name", "data1", "null", "<>", True, VisibleOnly)
End Sub
'Returns all contacts with a photo.
Public Sub FindContactsWithPhotos As List
Return FindContactsIdFromData("vnd.android.cursor.item/photo", "data15", "null", "<>", True, False)
End Sub
Private Sub FindContactsIdFromData (Mime As String, DataColumn As String, Value As String, Operator As String, _
Exact As Boolean, VisibleOnly As Boolean) As List
If Not(Exact) Then
Operator = "LIKE"
Value = "%" & Value & "%"
End If
Dim selection As String = "mimetype = ? AND " & DataColumn & " " & Operator & " ? "
If VisibleOnly Then selection = selection & " AND in_visible_group = 1"
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(dataUri, Array As String("contact_id", "display_name"), selection, _
Array As String(Mime, Value), "")
Dim res As List
Dim m As Map
For i = 0 To crsr.RowCount - 1
crsr.Position = i
Dim cu As cuContact
cu.Id = crsr.GetLong("contact_id")
cu.DisplayName = crsr.GetString("display_name")
If m.ContainsKey(cu.Id) Then Continue
m.Put(cu.Id, Null)
Return res
End Sub
'Returns a List with cuEmail items.
Public Sub GetEmails(Id As Long) As List
Dim res As List
For Each obj() As Object In GetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/email_v2", Array As String("data1", "data2"), Id, Null)
Dim e As cuEmail
e.Email = obj(0)
e.EmailType = mailTypes.Get(obj(1))
Return res
End Sub
'Returns a List with cuPhone items.
Public Sub GetPhones(id As Long) As List
Dim res As List
For Each obj() As Object In GetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2", Array As String("data1", "data2"), id, Null)
Dim p As cuPhone
p.Number = obj(0)
p.PhoneType = phoneTypes.Get(obj(1))
Return res
End Sub
'Returns the note field.
Public Sub GetNote(id As Long) As String
Dim raw As List = GetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/note", Array As String("data1"), id, Null)
If raw.Size = 0 Then Return ""
Dim obj() As Object = raw.Get(0)
Return obj(0)
End Sub
'Returns the thumbnail photo of the given contact. Returns an uninitialized bitmap if no photo is available.
Public Sub GetPhoto(Id As Long) As Bitmap
Dim raw As List = GetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/photo", Array As String("data15"), Id, Array As Boolean(True))
Dim bmp As Bitmap
If raw.Size > 0 Then
Dim obj() As Object = raw.Get(0)
Dim bytes() As Byte = obj(0)
If bytes <> Null Then
Dim In As InputStream
In.InitializeFromBytesArray(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End If
End If
Return bmp
End Sub
'Gets whether the contact is "starred".
Public Sub GetStarred(Id As Long) As Boolean
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(contactUri, Array As String("starred"), "_id = ?", Array As String(Id), "")
crsr.Position = 0
Dim starred As Boolean = crsr.GetInt("starred") = 1
Return starred
End Sub
Private Sub GetData(Mime As String, DataColumns() As String, Id As Long, Blobs() As Boolean) As List
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(dataUri, DataColumns, "mimetype = ? AND contact_id = ?", _
Array As String(Mime, Id), "")
Dim res As List
For i = 0 To crsr.RowCount - 1
crsr.Position = i
Dim row(DataColumns.Length) As Object
For c = 0 To DataColumns.Length - 1
If Blobs <> Null AND Blobs(c) = True Then
row(c) = crsr.GetBlob2(c)
row(c) = crsr.GetString2(c)
End If
Return res
End Sub
'Sets the note field of the given id.
Public Sub SetNote(Id As Long, Note As String)
Dim v As ContentValues
v.PutString("data1", Note)
SetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/note", v, Id, True)
End Sub
'Adds an email field to the given contact id.
'EmailType - One of the email types strings (see Initialize method).
Public Sub AddEmail(Id As Long, Email As String, EmailType As String)
Dim v As ContentValues
v.PutString("data1", Email)
v.PutInteger("data2", GetKeyFromValue(mailTypes, EmailType, 3))
SetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/email_v2", v, Id, False)
End Sub
'Adds a phone field to the given contact id.
'PhoneType - One of the phone types strings (see Initialize method).
Public Sub AddPhone(Id As Long, PhoneNumber As String, PhoneType As String)
Dim v As ContentValues
v.PutString("data1", PhoneNumber)
v.PutInteger("data2", GetKeyFromValue(phoneTypes, PhoneType, 7))
SetData("vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2", v, Id, False)
End Sub
'Deletes the given phone number.
Public Sub DeletePhone(Id As Long, PhoneNumber As String)
DeleteData("vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2", PhoneNumber, Id)
End Sub
'Deletes the given email address.
Public Sub DeleteEmail(Id As Long,Email As String)
DeleteData("vnd.android.cursor.item/email_v2", Email, Id)
End Sub
'Small utility to find the type integer value from the type name
Private Sub GetKeyFromValue(m As Map, v As String, defaultValue As Int) As Int
Dim t As Int = defaultValue
For i = 0 To m.Size - 1
If m.GetValueAt(i) = v Then
t = m.GetKeyAt(i)
End If
Return t
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteData(Mime As String, Data1Value As String, Id As Long)
cr.Delete(dataUri, "mimetype = ? AND data1 = ? AND contact_id = ?", Array As String(Mime, Data1Value, Id))
End Sub
Private Sub SetData(Mime As String, Values As ContentValues, Id As Long, Update As Boolean)
If Update Then
cr.Update(dataUri, Values, "mimetype = ? AND contact_id = ?", Array As String(Mime, Id))
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(contactUri, Array As String("name_raw_contact_id"), _
"_id = ?", Array As String(Id), "")
If crsr.RowCount = 0 Then
Log("Error getting raw_contact_id")
End If
crsr.Position = 0
Values.PutString("raw_contact_id", crsr.GetString("name_raw_contact_id"))
Values.PutString("mimetype", Mime)
cr.Insert(dataUri, Values)
End If
End Sub
'Sets the starred state of the given id.
Public Sub SetStarred (Id As Long, Starred As Boolean)
Dim values As ContentValues
values.PutBoolean("starred", Starred)
cr.Update(contactUri, values, "_id = ?", Array As String(Id))
End Sub
'Deletes the contact with the given Id.
Public Sub DeleteContact(Id As Long)
cr.Delete(rawContactUri, "contact_id = ?", Array As String(Id))
End Sub
'Inserts a new contact and returns the cuContact object of this contact.
Public Sub InsertContact(Name As String, Phone As String) As cuContact
Dim values As ContentValues
Dim rawUri As Uri = cr.Insert(rawContactUri, values)
Dim rawContactId As Long = rawUri.ParseId
values.PutLong("raw_contact_id", rawContactId)
values.PutString("mimetype", "vnd.android.cursor.item/phone_v2")
values.PutInteger("data2", 12) 'phone type main
values.PutString("data1", Phone)
cr.Insert(dataUri, values)
values.PutLong("raw_contact_id", rawContactId)
values.PutString("mimetype", "vnd.android.cursor.item/name")
values.PutString("data1", Name)
cr.Insert(dataUri, values)
Dim cu As cuContact
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(dataUri, Array As String("contact_id", "display_name"), "raw_contact_id = ?", _
Array As String(rawContactId), "")
crsr.Position = 0
cu.DisplayName = crsr.GetString("display_name")
cu.Id = crsr.GetLong("contact_id")
Return cu
End Sub
'useful for debugging
Private Sub printCursor(c As Cursor) 'ignore
For r = 0 To c.RowCount - 1
c.Position = r
For col = 0 To c.ColumnCount - 1
Log(c.GetColumnName(col) & ": " & c.GetString2(col))
Log(c.GetColumnName(col) & ": " & LastException)
End Try
End Sub