I am trying to use the code below to create a button in a scrollview that was created in the designer. I simply want a button that is an open circle chr(0xF1DB). But when I run this code the button is a small, blue, square box with a question mark in it. I have tried other STYLEs with similar results. As you can see from the commented code I have also tried various combinations of Customlabel. Is there a tutorial or overview on icons in buttons and/or using CustomLabel in general. I could find nothing.
If QuestionArray.ButtonType(Row) = "Cbox" Then
'Btn(x).SetBorder(1, Colors.Black, 3)
' Btn(x).CustomLabel.font = Font.CreateNew(17)
' Btn(x).CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Green
'Btn(x).Color = Colors.Red
'Btn.Text = Text
'Btn(x).customlabel.text = Chr(0xF096)
Btn(x).Text = Chr(0xF1DB)
Btn(x).Tag = x