tempo fa dovevo ricorrere al problema sul font ma che non ho mai preso in considerazione, oggi devo lanciare un prodotto e devo risolvere, non ho capito molto delle varie risoluzioni con i fontsize, chiedo aiuto per risolvere il problema
time ago I had to resort to the problem on the font but I never considered, now I have to launch a product and I have to solve, I did not understand a lot of the different resolutions with fontsize, ask for help to solve the problem
time ago I had to resort to the problem on the font but I never considered, now I have to launch a product and I have to solve, I did not understand a lot of the different resolutions with fontsize, ask for help to solve the problem
Public Sub fonsize(size As Float)
Dim LayoutVal As LayoutValues = GetDeviceLayoutValues 'Preleva dimensione del dispositivo
Dim Dens As Float = Density 'Preleva la densità del dispositivo
Dim Scale As Int = LayoutVal.Scale
If Scale = 1 Then ' for low-density
size = (size * 2) / Dens
Else If Scale = 2 Then ' for medium-density
size = size / Dens
Else If Scale = 3 Then ' for high-density
size = (size * 1.5) / Dens
Else If Scale = 4 Then ' for extra-high-density
size = (size * 2) / Dens
Else If Scale = 5 Then ' for extra-extra-high-density
size = (size * 2.5) / Dens
Else If Scale = 6 Then ' for extra-extra-extra-high-density (launcher icon only; see note above)
size = (size * 3) / Dens
End If
Return size
End Sub