I guess i'm a bit late, but...
In my home country, Portugal, we were praised a pointed as an example to follow by the ue comitee... we were so proud of ourselves... this portuguese government prohibited gatherings, no public i football (soccer) games, all cultural events were canceled... BUT, the constitution states that no political event can be prohibited by the government, so, a political party (communists) decided to still held their annual cultural/social/political event (basically a 4 day music festival with a few political speeches in between), the government was powerless to prevent it... a few thousands people attended this festival... that was last week... history will open a few eyes when in another week, the cases number start to rise almost out if control.
I'm an ex-pat, I live in Bordeaux area, France...during the first wave we were considered as a green level state, even had some patients brought in from overflowing hospitals... now, the country has 10k cases a day in average, and Bordeaux is now RED... why? Because it was August! And "no pandemic is going to spoil my vacation in Ibiza or rome"
A vaccine will come... same as the flu has one and still many die a year from it...