Forum Members and Covid-19


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For the first time, many peoples are feeling on their skin what they often read on newspapers about pandemics and poverty in Africa or India.

This world would certainly be a better place if we:

a) had a taste of the after
b) had a taste of the other one's position


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I have regular customers who winter in South Africa and their experiences are very different from ours and they are stuck there for an unknown period of time.

HEH HEh a friend here had his sister and brother-in-law from New Zealand visiting : she has an SA passport he has NZ. He was allowed to board a 'plane home (some were here to collect NZ residents etc) but she had to stay because of having a SA passport (didn't matter that her residency is in NZ).

Oi that must have sucked . . . .

So we're 4th on the JH list now but a good gap behind Brazil, that daily numbers curve just isn't turning though looking just a moment ago it might be. Trouble is that while there is a steady testing rate, the rate of return is REALLY slow so the figures are well out of date with actual day (figures could be anything up to two weeks slow). That makes it hard to say whether the curve is actually turning downward or not. I suppose the good thing about that is that people will continue to comply with masking and separating which, where I live, appears that people are compliant. We still have to queue to get into supermarkets and still they continue with only a limited number of shoppers are let in at a time. The queue is managed by security and generally kept separated.

I saw some govt figures the other day that said that the recovery case number looks quite good, so the JH tables list the Cumulative Total, but the difference between that and Active is the figure one wants but one has to do the math. If one looks at the active number for SA its not that bad since about 66% of cases are listed as recovered.

For me its a bit like living on an island since I live in the bush. We rarely see anyone other than the one or two people who come here for work from down the road. The pain-in-the-butt is going to town once a week for animal feed and the pesky supermarket stuff.

We should spare consideration for those people operating the entry doors to businesses with the Shoot-Shoot bottle of sanitiser and the non-contact thermometer. That's a repetitive strain task for you.

So far my temperature has ranged from 31.2 to 36.5 (!) I don't recall if on the 31.2 day I felt a little funny or not


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So we're 4th on the JH list now but a good gap behind Brazil
If it's any consolation, you're 36th by the most reliable/meaningful number: deaths per population.




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If it's any consolation,
Ja, that might be so. SA came up for a lot of praise for the quick response to the pandemic and quite a hard lockdown as well. So, go figure, we end up with a very large number of positives.

I don't 'get' the way JHu shows its data by Confirmed cases. For instance ours is 440K+ at the moment, but its also reported that probably 66% to of those have "recovered". Subtract the two and you get the "active" cases. Emphasising "active cases" at least seems like it would be a better way to associate with "successes" in managing this thing (well - if there are any Real successes that is). I see that they have some other maps now as well, so the case-fatality ratio might be a good indicator of things but then there is nothing to compare it with as in the listing you gave in #43. Must be data somewhere to do that. Still that might just be a "feel-good" listing.

Incidentally, there has never been a tab on these maps (Deaths) although those are listed in the tables. There must be a political reason for not doing that.


I guess China is not releasing their numbers?
My assumption is that China is being as free with its information as it usually is.

I guess like TinTin Trump the Corrupt Cheater its about mis(re)direction Which link is simply statistically interesting in itself anyway.


[EDIT] PS I wonder which one TinTin Trump the Corrupt Cheater read (O wait I hear he can't read]


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Mainly the fault of the reopening of schools.
Postponing a school year would have caused enormously less damage than what is happening and will happen.

Erel, best wishes and protect yourself and your family WELL!

[Here in Italy, schools have reopened today. In a month there will be a sharp increase of spread of virus, I'm sure]


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Thanks Luca.

The situation here is indeed not good.
The small rising on the left is the first wave and now we are in a much worse situation. There are many reasons for that, not just the schools.
I believe that after this lock down there will be many restrictions for a long time.

It goes from March to September.


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View attachment 100063

Mainly the fault of the reopening of schools.
Postponing a school year would have caused enormously less damage than what is happening and will happen.

Erel, best wishes and protect yourself and your family WELL!

[Here in Italy, schools have reopened today. In a month there will be a sharp increase of spread of virus, I'm sure]

look at this in a different view. after 3 weeks lockdown i will make 17 new apps ?
the problem is that i will keep working since i work in a factory that will not be effected from the lockdown. ?


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I guess i'm a bit late, but...
In my home country, Portugal, we were praised a pointed as an example to follow by the ue comitee... we were so proud of ourselves... this portuguese government prohibited gatherings, no public i football (soccer) games, all cultural events were canceled... BUT, the constitution states that no political event can be prohibited by the government, so, a political party (communists) decided to still held their annual cultural/social/political event (basically a 4 day music festival with a few political speeches in between), the government was powerless to prevent it... a few thousands people attended this festival... that was last week... history will open a few eyes when in another week, the cases number start to rise almost out if control.
I'm an ex-pat, I live in Bordeaux area, France...during the first wave we were considered as a green level state, even had some patients brought in from overflowing hospitals... now, the country has 10k cases a day in average, and Bordeaux is now RED... why? Because it was August! And "no pandemic is going to spoil my vacation in Ibiza or rome"

A vaccine will come... same as the flu has one and still many die a year from it...


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I think those actions will be based on the hospitalized count, rather than the infection count


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I think those actions will be based on the hospitalized count, rather than the infection count
If so it would be worse (and maybe that's what you mean). I am referring to the daily bulletin that informs us about the number of new daily infected, which depends on the number of swabs carried out everywhere, not only in hospitals.

Apart from the fact that many parents would not have known where to "throw" their children, the government should have canceled the 2020/2021 school year entirely. None of the students would have become more ignorant or more stupid and they would not have spread the contagion like wildfire, which will certainly happen (in schools MAYBE they are kept under control but in front of schools and especially on clogged public transport not).

Martin Larsen

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In Denmark the schools were closed for a short period (~3 weeks) in the spring, but the consensus here is that it didn't have a big impact. Infections didn't rise when they reopened. They are still open.


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In Denmark the schools were closed for a short period (~3 weeks) in the spring, but the consensus here is that it didn't have a big impact. Infections didn't rise when they reopened. They are still open.
It probably still takes time (I hope not) or your schools are well organized and 100 students do not go to school on buses that have 30 seats.