Android Code Snippet Free Code Snippets Manager


I apologize if my English is not perfect.

I'm not a professional but someone who loves to program. I am a beginner with B4A and I found in the forum "Android Code Snippets" many programming tricks. As I program for Windows and I like to have access to my local tips, I realized an application (French/English) which includes these code snippets. This application is free. This is my way of thanking you for sharing your code and your experience.

You will find below the Help files in pdf format. If you wish, I'll post the Installation Setup.
Hoping that this application will be useful.


EDIT: Last version v2.2a:


  • Code Snippets Fr.pdf
    299.3 KB · Views: 1,042
  • Code Snippets En.pdf
    292.5 KB · Views: 1,759
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Hi Mahares

If you do a search without a software filter, have you results?
If yes, you should download the latest version 2.0 or 2.1 which fixes a bug that I had as I said in # 35.
Please see # 29.

If no, could you send to me the old data file "Code Snippets.tps"?



  • Image1.jpg
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Ok jimmyF

I will try to find a solution for the controls that will avoid modifying all records.



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Hi: I have version 2 I downloaded last week. Nothing shows up without filter either. Can you please check out on your PC and see if they appear?


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Hi Mahares,

please donwload v2.1:
Before installing the new version, delete the new data file "Code snippets tree.tps"
but keep the old data file "Code snippets.tps"

I did the same search as you and I have 3 results :


  • Image1.jpg
    105.8 KB · Views: 422


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Thank you @Grinaute. I followed your instructions and still have the same problem: Version 2.1. Then on first run, I deleted Code Snippet.tps as the program requests.
I finally deleted and installed all files and reinstalled your program from scratch, But the problem did not go away. Maybe I need a file that impoerts all the older snippets that do not show up.
See image below:


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Hi Mahares,

Could you send me all the .tps files you have so I can look at their content?
Would you have a backup of the data files before the first update you made?

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Bonjour Grinaute:
I am sorry I do not have any backup of the data before the update. I deleted everything and did a whole new re-installation of version 2.1, hoping it will start fresh with all snippets. Therefore, the files I have are the ones that version 2.1 installation created.


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I'm sorry if I can not help you anymore

Thank you for a good product @Grinaute . My concern is, if new users want to install 2.1 for the first time by clicking this file; SetupCodeSnippets.exe, they will not get all the snippets in the forum at their disposal. Unless, it was installed in the past, it will be missing snippets. I hope you can figure it out.


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Hi Mahares,

Thank you for your comments.

I understand quite well but this application is made to keep at home a set of code snippets. I spent a lot of time capturing those from the B4A forum to provide a first database. It is up to you to complete it at your convenience. If you are a new user, you will have 282 code snippets already recorded, as you can see in the attached image.



  • Image1.jpg
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New version 2.2 : (edit 08/26/2017)

. I fixed a small bug: a button was not moved properly when the window was maximized.

. For those who, like me :), have older eyes, you can change the font for the Tree view and the RTF controls without changing the font for all windows (this v2.1 option has been removed). Many thanks to you for suggesting this improvement.

. Using a new DLL improved image management.



  • FontEnLight.png
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Active Member
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Now we're talking!
Exactly! :)
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What are the system requirements for Code Snippets?

On my Win 10 pro system (Framework 4.5) Code Snippet doesn't show the main window but the Taskmanager shows the program to be running.


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it's just a 32bit program. Maybe there's a manifest problem.
Try running it in Windows 8.1 compatibility mode.


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Thanks for your answer. Seems that Code Snippets needs a very long time for the first start. It works now.


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Good. I don't think it takes long to start but it doesn't get to the top of the list of programs to run. I think it's from the executable compactor I use. I should make a few changes soon that might change that.

To check its speed, run it immediately after logging in and after all other programs are loaded.

At my home (Windows 8.1) opening with a small database (the one installed with the program) is instantaneous and I don't have the most recent PC! : :)


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Just downloaded your tool and you've gotten a pretty good start, Grinaute, but here's a few things I'd like to see added ...

- When copy/pasting from the forum into a snippet, it keeps the formatting (spaces, line feeds, etc.) but it doesn't automatically color format the code. I see that you've done that, manually, in the snippets you've provided which is VERY much appreciated; thanks! Without auto color formatting, it makes it tough to read the snippet. Extra points for having it convert the blasted spaces in front of lines to tabs (not everyone does that so make it configurable). Even more extra points for supporting the auto-formatting with different languages (C, C++, C#, PHP, etc.). And EVEN more extra points for making it user configurable so we can, for instance, create/edit a configuration file for the auto-formatting so we're not limited by your choices in languages supported and the formatting you chose for those languages.

- The ability to create/edit/arrange tree children. I like to keep my snippets organized based on different criteria so it's easy to find things at a glance .... snippets based on Date/Time or Strings or the type of view (tableview, listview, etc.). Just make a way for us to add/edit/delete/move tree children.

- Make an URLs clickable so it opens in a browser. For snippets from the B4X forum, for example, I'd want to put what thread that snippet came from in the comments area. If I want to go to that thread to see if there's been any changes or discussion about that snippet, I could just click on that URL.


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Just downloaded your tool and you've gotten a pretty good start, Grinaute, but here's a few things I'd like to see added ...
Thank you.

- When copy/pasting from the forum into a snippet, it keeps the formatting (spaces, line feeds, etc.) but it doesn't automatically color format the code. I see that you've done that, manually, in the snippets you've provided which is VERY much appreciated; thanks! Without auto color formatting, it makes it tough to read the snippet. Extra points for having it convert the blasted spaces in front of lines to tabs (not everyone does that so make it configurable). Even more extra points for supporting the auto-formatting with different languages (C, C++, C#, PHP, etc.). And EVEN more extra points for making it user configurable so we can, for instance, create/edit a configuration file for the auto-formatting so we're not limited by your choices in languages supported and the formatting you chose for those languages.
Please, read the chm file: Software, Description, Update Code:
You can Paste text in the Title, Code and Comment fields. Fields Code and Comment are RTF controls. To keep the syntax highlighting, you must paste the code or comment text after copying it in B4A. If you copy a code from internet, you must paste it into B4A then copy/paste in this application.

Because I use an RTF control, I don't have the hand to do what you ask.

- The ability to create/edit/arrange tree children. I like to keep my snippets organized based on different criteria so it's easy to find things at a glance .... snippets based on Date/Time or Strings or the type of view (tableview, listview, etc.). Just make a way for us to add/edit/delete/move tree children.
If I had to do everything you ask for here then I would have to sell this program because it would become a professional application for all developers regardless of the programming language used. That wasn't my goal.

You can do whatever you want with this program indicated by victormedranop:

- Make an URLs clickable so it opens in a browser. For snippets from the B4X forum, for example, I'd want to put what thread that snippet came from in the comments area. If I want to go to that thread to see if there's been any changes or discussion about that snippet, I could just click on that URL.
It's already done for the future version. Simply select the link, do Ctrl+C and click on an icon.

Sorry if I can't or don't want to answer all your wishes.
Best Regards


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Thanks for the reply, Grinaute, on the future direction of this. One thing that I forgot to include in my post was the hope that you'd be making future versions of it in B4J so as to utilize that tool in order to help its' own programmers (I like the symmetry of it) and also so that it would be multi-platform. Which is one of the reasons I'm weary of Snippet Manager (being a long-time user of it tied with my Visual Studio work). But, we all make choices. Good luck with it.