Android Code Snippet Free Code Snippets Manager


I apologize if my English is not perfect.

I'm not a professional but someone who loves to program. I am a beginner with B4A and I found in the forum "Android Code Snippets" many programming tricks. As I program for Windows and I like to have access to my local tips, I realized an application (French/English) which includes these code snippets. This application is free. This is my way of thanking you for sharing your code and your experience.

You will find below the Help files in pdf format. If you wish, I'll post the Installation Setup.
Hoping that this application will be useful.


EDIT: Last version v2.2a:


  • Code Snippets Fr.pdf
    299.3 KB · Views: 1,042
  • Code Snippets En.pdf
    292.5 KB · Views: 1,759
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
LucaMs: I didn't have your number, otherwise I would have done it gladly!

omarruben: At home, it works on Windows XP and Windows 8.1 virtual machines and on 2 PCs with Windows 10 v1909 and v20H2.
There have been 48 downloads since Friday and I haven't had any other reports. So I guess the problem is with your PC. So I'm sorry but I have no other explanation/solution to give you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
omarruben: I just had an idea, try to run the "Code Snippets.exe" file in administrator mode.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks LucaMs but I think I found it because one of the components of my application (which is not mine) uses Visual C++.
omarruben, you have to download the redistributable x86 version, here :
Please keep us informed of the result.