Hi everyone, i'm trying to use FTP to upload multiple files to the server.
I do it one by one, i want to show a progress bar, so i did like so:
The problem is that, the _UploadProress sub fires only for the FIRST file D:
I tried with three.
Here you are the logs
See? only for the first file, the logs i put in the _UploadProgress sub are printed, between file 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, no logs, so the sub is not fired
Have you some ideas? D:
I do it one by one, i want to show a progress bar, so i did like so:
'This function uploads the files (stored in the list) to the server base'
Public Sub CaricaFoto
currentTotalFiles = filenamelist.Size
For Each filename In filenamelist
currentFileSize = File.Size(File.DirInternal & $"/${Starter.FileManager1.NomeCartella}"$, filename)
Dim sf As Object = FTP2.UploadFile(File.DirInternal & $"/${Starter.FileManager1.NomeCartella}"$, filename, False, $"${path}/${filename}"$)
Wait For (sf) ftp2_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
LogColor("File Caricato", Colors.Green)
currentDoneFiles = currentDoneFiles + 1
'File.Delete(File.DirInternal & $"/${Starter.FileManager1.NomeCartella}"$, filename)
AggiornaProgress(Array As Object (0, currentDoneFiles, currentTotalFiles))
If currentDoneFiles == currentTotalFiles Then 'fine trasferimento
currentTotalFiles = 0
currentDoneFiles = 0
currentFileSize = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ftp2_UploadProgress (ServerPath As String, TotalUploaded As Long, Total As Long)
If (TotalUploaded/currentFileSize)*100 > lastProgValue + 5 Then 'if incremented more than 5, i print
lastProgValue = (TotalUploaded/currentFileSize)*100
Log($"Filesize: ${currentFileSize}, Progress: ${lastProgValue}"$)
'AggiornaProgress(Array As Object (lastProgValue, currentDoneFiles, currentTotalFiles))
End If
End Sub
'This function update the UI'
Public Sub AggiornaProgress(Data() As Object)
'crcProgress.Value = Data(0) 'the value'
'lblCountingFile.text = $"${Data(1)}/${Data(2)}"$ 'uploadedsize/totalsize'
End Sub
The problem is that, the _UploadProress sub fires only for the FIRST file D:
I tried with three.
Here you are the logs
See? only for the first file, the logs i put in the _UploadProgress sub are printed, between file 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, no logs, so the sub is not fired
Have you some ideas? D: