NovaChat is a private chat class module (Multi-User in next version) that has almost all the functionality of instant messaging.
NovaChat uses the phone as a Server, specifically Erel's HttpServer library.
The data is stored in the phone's memory, and can be limited if desired so as not to use a lot of space.
Four biggest advantages of this Chat are:
For the chat to work, this 3 modules must be able to be: NovaChat, ChatServer and AudioCall.
Detail of Nova Chat:
NovaChat uses the phone as a Server, specifically Erel's HttpServer library.
The data is stored in the phone's memory, and can be limited if desired so as not to use a lot of space.
Four biggest advantages of this Chat are:
- 1. Chat is simple to use and can be used free of charge over the internet using the No-IP Service [Replace Everywhere where the Ip address is by the domain name obtained in No-Ip and add the port at the end (For example: and go to put the Ip address by default ( in your domain name configuration];
- 2. The data to be sent leaves from the phone to another phone without going through a Server somewhere, so a message cannot be intercepted while being sent, even without encryption the data is safe;
- 3. Each phone is a Server for the other phones and a client for itself;
- 4. Chat Brain is a class module that you can modify as you wish.
For the chat to work, this 3 modules must be able to be: NovaChat, ChatServer and AudioCall.
Detail of Nova Chat:
- AcceptVoiceCall ' Accept the voice call
- BlockUser (UserName As String) ' Block a contact
- CallAccepted ' When the contact accept my voice call
- CloseWaveFile(Dir As String, FileName As String) ' Finish a recording voice message and save to the phone storage
- ConvertToTimeFormat(ms As Int) As String ' Covert seconds to time. Example: 2:35
- CreateFileNameImage (MessageImageTo As String, FileNameImage As String) As String ' Create a file name image
- DeblockUser (ListUserBloquer As List, UserName As String) ' Deblock a contact
- DeleteDuplicateMessage (FriendName As String) ' Delete all duplicated messages
- DeleteMessage (FriendUser As String, TextMessage As String) ' Delete a specified message
- DesactiveUserOnMuteNoctification (ListUserEnSilence As List, UserName As String) ' Desactive a contact to the mute noctification
- DownloadMessageComplet ' Download message success
- DownloadMessageFile ' Download a file message
- FileNameAudio ' Create a file name audio
- FinishedToRecordForYou (FriendName As String) ' Send a message when i finish to record for a friend
- FinishedToWriteForYou (FriendName As String) ' Send a signal when i finish to write for a contact
- FriendWriteForMe (yesWriting As Boolean, YesRecording As Boolean) ' When a contact write for me
- FrienFinishedToWriteOrRecordForMe ' When a contact finish to write or record for me
- GetAllProfilImgeFriends ' Get images profil of all contacts
- GetAudioDuration (FileName As String) As String ' Get audio file duration
- GetContactNameByPhoneNumber (FriendNumber1 As String) As String ' Get contact name by your phone number
- GetContactsSize As Int ' Get contacts friend size
- GetImageType (FriendName As String) As String ' Get the image type
- GetMessageHeight (FriendUser As String, MessageSize As Int) As Int ' Get height of message already saved
- GetProfileImage (FriendName As String) As Bitmap ' Go to take the image profil of a contact
- GetUserBlocked As List ' Get the list of contacts blocked
- GetUserOnMuteNoctification As List ' Get the contacts list of the mute noctification
- GetVoiceDuration (FileName As String) As String ' Get voice message duration
- GoToTakeFileName ' Go to take a file name to the contact before to send
- GoToTakeNewMessage ' Go to take a message
- GoToTakeNewMessageSize ' Go to take the message height
- Initialize
- isFileMessage (Message As String) As Boolean ' Verify if the message is a file
- LastContacts As List ' List of last contacts already on conversation
- LastMessages As List ' List of last messages
- ListAudioFile As List ' List of audio type accepted
- ListContacts As List ' List of contacts friend
- ListFile As List ' List of documents type accepted
- ListImageFile As List ' List of images type accepted
- ListVideoFile As List ' List of videos type accepted
- LoadAndPlayAudio (FileName As String) ' Load and play an audio file
- LoadAndPlayVoiceMessage (FileName As String) ' Load and play a voice message
- MediaPlayer_Complete ' Playing complete
- MessagesNoRead As List ' List of messages no read
- MessagesWaiting (FriendName As String, MessageText As String) ' Add a message to waiting messages
- NewMessage (FriendName As String) ' Add the contact in the list of contacts already on conversation
- NewMessageText (FriendName As String) ' Send a message to a contact
- PauseAudio ' Pause a voice message
- ReadMessage (ContactName As String) As List ' List of messages with a contact
- RecordingFinish ' Recording finish
- RecordNewVoiveMessage (FriendName As String) ' Send a signal when i record for a contact
- RecordNewVoiveMessageFinish (FriendName As String) ' Send a signal when i finish to record for a contact
- RefreshContacts ' Refresh contacts friend
- ReplyMessage (FriendUser As String, Message As String, TextMessage As String) ' Reply to a specified message
- SaveTimeToSend (FriendUser As String, TextMessage As String) ' Save time to send message
- SendAudio (DirFileAudio As String, FileNameAudioFile As String, MessageAudioTo As String) ' Send a audio to a contact
- SendFile (DirFileText As String, FileNameText As String, MessageTextTo As String) ' Send a document to a contact
- SendImage (DirFileImage As String, FileNameImage As String, MessageImageTo As String) ' Send an image to a contact
- SendMessage (FriendUser As String, TextMessage As String) 'Send a message
- SendVideo (DirFileVideo As String, FileNameVideo As String, MessageVideoTo As String) ' Send a video to a contact
- SetMessageNoctification (Friend As String, Message As String) ' Set the noctification when a message arrive
- ShareMessage (Message As String) ' Share a specified message
- SingUp (MyUserName As String ,Number As String) ' Subscribe to chat
- StartRecording (FriendUser As String) ' Start recording voice message
- StartWaveFile(Dir As String, FileName As String, SampleRate As Int, Mono As Boolean, BitsPerSample As Int) As OutputStream ' Create a wave file for voice message
- StopRecording ' Stop a recording voice message
- streamer_RecordBuffer (Buffer() As Byte) ' The above check is required as the last message will arrive after we call StopRecording
- TimerRecordingTime_Tick ' Get voice message duration
- tmrGetNewProfil_Tick ' Get images profil of all contacts each 20 minutes
- tmrResendMessage_Tick ' Resend the waiting messages each 5 minutes
- TypeFiles (Message As String) As String ' Get a type of file in all types accepted
- UserOnMuteNoctification (UserName As String) ' Mute noctifications of a contact
- verifyIsFriendIsOnLine (FriendName As String) ' Verify if friend is online
- VideoCall (FriendName As String) 'Call a contact by video call
- VideoCallReceived ' When i receive a video call
- VoiceCall (FriendName As String) ' Call a contat by voice call
- VoiceCallReceived ' When i receive a voice call
- WriteLabelMessageHeight (FriendUser As String, Height As Int) ' Write message height
- WritingNewMessage (FriendName As String) ' Send a signal to a contact when i write for him