Android Tutorial GameView - Create 2D Android games - Part I


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Initially I thought it was my device

I did a lot of tests on my device (debug/release)

if I do not put in the timer loop this:

lblFPS.Text = NumberFormat(fps, 0, 0)

the movement is not fluid. it was very strange.

if i put this

lblFPS.Text = "test"

is nice

if i put this

lblFPS.Text = ""

is bad

On samsung S2 some problem
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Licensed User
Longtime User
without label does not work

Also the speed changes.

ultimately if I remove the label FPS from the exampleSmile does not work


New Member
I just had a question before I purchase this software. If I were to use gameview instead of imageviews, would it increase the speed of the game if the pictures loaded changed every tick rather then having them rotate/move the same picture each time as you showed in these examples?


Active Member
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Longtime User
You should look at the lib libGDX. If you are new to b4a, you might find the learning curve a bit high, but once you get into it, you'll find it quite easy, and speed is not an issue.
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