I am using this class from this thread https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-cross-platform-chat-layout-example.112649/#content
I tryed to use the code to ajust the keyboard with a little modification and it worked in iPhone S6 but in iPhone 11 Pro did not. I don't undestand why this happen. Could someone help me?
The only difference is that i have a panel in the top of page. You can see in the image bellow.
I am using this class from this thread https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-cross-platform-chat-layout-example.112649/#content
I tryed to use the code to ajust the keyboard with a little modification and it worked in iPhone S6 but in iPhone 11 Pro did not. I don't undestand why this happen. Could someone help me?
Public Sub HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int)
Dim c As B4XView = CLV.AsView
c.Height = NewHeight - pnlBottom.Height - pnlTopChat.Height
CLV.Base_Resize(c.Width, c.Height)
pnlBottom.Top = NewHeight - pnlBottom.Height
End Sub
Private Sub MainPage_KeyboardStateChanged (Height As Float)
If Height = 0 Then
MainPage_Resize(MainPage.RootPanel.Width, MainPage.RootPanel.Height)
chat1.HeightChanged(MainPage.RootPanel.Height - Height) 'can ignore safe area
MainPage_Resize(MainPage.RootPanel.Width, MainPage.RootPanel.Height)
End If
End sub
Private Sub MainPage_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
Dim r As Rect = MainPage.SafeAreaInsets
pnlChat.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0.1, r.Left, r.Top, Width - r.Right - r.Left, Height - r.Bottom - r.Top)
End sub
The only difference is that i have a panel in the top of page. You can see in the image bellow.