B4J Question How to get xGaugesRect from Pane


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I am using Klause's amazing xGaugesRect library but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get at them once they have been added to a pane. I have 3 gauges on the pane and if you click on any one the event occurs and Sender is a xGaugesRect and I can get the parent pane but I can't seem to figure out how to get at the gauges. I tried every combination I could think of with no luck.
Added like this from a Layout file::
Dim P As B4XView = MachPane.GetView(3)
WeeklyGaugeGA1.ScaleMidLimitColors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Green, xui.Color_Yellow)
WeeklyGaugeGA1.ScaleMidLimit2Colors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Yellow, xui.Color_Red)
WeeklyGaugeGA1.TickText = CalcGaugeScale(MachData.Get("SchM_HrsPerWk"))  '  "0|10|20|30|40|50"
If I add a click event for the gauges Sender is definitely xGaugesRect but I get the parent view and I can't seem to access the gauges.
I solved the problem by adding each gauge to a map and storing that map in the parent tag property, but that is a bit of a waste and I would rather get them from the parent directly if possible. As always, I fell like I must of missed something obvious. When I loop through the controls on the parent none of them seem to have a tag property that is the control. Likewise testing each control and its tag to see if it is an xGaugesRect gets no result.

As always thanks for any help.


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Sorry, but I do not understand what exactly you want to do ?
In the common click event you get the xGaugesRect which raised the event.
Therefore, what do want to do ?
Not enough information to help.
As DonManfred already suggested post a small project to show the problem.

I made a small test program with 3 xGaugesRect in the layout.

And the code of the xGaugesRect_Click event.
Private Sub xGaugesRect_Click
    Private Gauge As xGaugesRect
    Private Parent As B4XView
    Gauge = Sender        ' the xGaugeRect which raised the event
    Parent = Gauge.mBase.Parent    'gets its parent, the Parent is not exposed directly.
    For i = 0 To Parent.NumberOfViews -1
        Private g As xGaugesRect
        g = Parent.GetView(i).Tag        'gets the xGaugeRect with its given index
End Sub


  • Test3Gauges.zip
    10.4 KB · Views: 14
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I made a small test program with 3 xGaugesRect in the layout.
My layout is actually quite a bit more complicated. The gauges are on a b4xview on a pane which is the inner pane on a scrollview. So I added all of that and it still worked fine. I switched to the xGaugesRect.bas in my app and immediately notice that it was different did not contain:
WeeklyGaugeGA1.ScaleMidLimitColors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Green, xui.Color_Yellow)
WeeklyGaugeGA1.ScaleMidLimit2Colors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Yellow, xui.Color_Red)
(which I use)
I also notice the xGaugesRect.bas I am using has a different ReInitialize sub.
'reinitializes the gauge
Public Sub ReInitialize
    If mBase.IsInitialized Then
'        mBase.RemoveViewFromParent
'        mBase = xui.CreatePanel("pnlGauge")
'        cParent.AddView(mBase, cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight)
'        pnlNeedle.RemoveViewFromParent
    End If
End Sub
The one I am using::
'reinitializes the gauge
Public Sub ReInitialize
'    If mBase.IsInitialized Then
    If pnlAction.IsInitialized Then
        mBase = xui.CreatePanel("pnlGauge")
        cParent.AddView(mBase, cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight)
    End If
Perhaps that is the problem?
My xGaugesRect.bas file came from xGaugesDemo_V1_9.zip located HERE:

I modified the demo and tried to access the gauges and could not. I have attached the modified demo. Perhaps I am still doing something wrong.

Thanks for all your help and all your hard work.


  • jxGaugesDemo-B4J-Modified.zip
    34.4 KB · Views: 7
  • jxGaugesDemo-B4J-Modified.zip
    34.4 KB · Views: 7
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