B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xGauges and xGaugesRect Classes and Libraries

The xGauges and xGaugesRect Class do also exist as a B4X libary.
The xGauges.b4xlib, xGaugesRect.b4xlib, xGauges.xml and the xGaugesRect.xml files are attached.
You need to copy the xGauges.b4xlib and / or the xGaugesRect.b4xlib files to the AdditionlLibraries\B4X folder!
Don’t copy the xGauges.xml nor the xGaugesRect.xml file to the AdditionalLibraries folder, copy them in another folder for all b4xlib xml files.
Example: AdditionlLibraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
The xGauges.xml and the xGaugesRect.xml file are for help purposes and are useful with the B4X Help Viewer or the B4XObjectBrowser.
The xGauges.xml and the xGaugesRect.xmland file were generated with this tool: b4xlib - XML generation

Current versions:
xGauges.b4xlib Version 2.0
xGaugesRect.b4xlib Version 1.2

Having seen this thread fuel gauge, it challenged me and I wrote this CustomView xGauges Class.
It works on all three products: B4A, B4i and B4J.
The xGauges.bas and xGaugesRect files are located in the B4J project and shared, relative link, in B4A and B4i.
The code is exactly the same, one class file, for all three platforms.

Demo programs for all three platforms and for both libraries are added.
Tested on PC, Android Samsung S6 and iPhone 6.
The shadows in the rectangular gauges look better on the devices than on the animated gif.



EDIT: 2024.07.04 Version 2.0 / version 1.2
Added Parent property
Amended problem with ReInitialize

EDIT: 2022.07.22 Version 1.9 / version 1.1
'Set the corner radius bigger than the border width when corner radius > 0. bug report HERE.

EDIT: 2021.08.22 Version 1.8
Added BorderWidth, BorderColor and CorenerRadius properties.
Added ScaleMidLimit2StartPerCent, ScaleMidLimit2SweepPerCent, ScaleMidLimit2Color properties.
Added gradient colors for the limit zones.
Changed setValueMin and setValueMax from Int to Double.
Added new xGaugesRect library

EDIT: 2020.06.25 Version 1.7
Updated the Tag property according to Erels recommendation:
Version 1.6
Added Click and LongClick events
Added BringToFront, SendToBack and asView methods

EDIT: 2019.03.12 Version 1.5
Amended cScaleMidLimitColor initialize value from 526 to 255
Amended setScaleColor missing reinitialize call routine
Amended Rotate Needle equation correction
Improved scale custom angles management
Added cCustomScaleMinAngle and cCustomScaleMaxAngle variables
Added NeedleON property shows or hides the needle

Version 1.4
Amended NeedleBitmapFileName designation in custom properties
Amended NeedleBitmapFileName set in the code for a Gaige added in the Designer
Amended custom angles problems.
Added RemoveView and ReInitialize methods

EDIT: 2018.12.20 Version 1.3
Amended problem reported in post#11.

EDIT: 2018.12.14 Version 1.2
Amended problem with GaugeTitle and GaugeUnit not updated in code.


Version: 2.0
  • xGauges
    • Functions:
      • AddToParent (Parent As Object, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int) As String
        adds the xGauge to the Parent view.
        the parent object can be a B4XView or
        an Activity or a Panel in B4A, a Panel in B4i or a Pane in B4J
        there is no Height property, because the Height = Width
      • AsView As B4XView
        Returns the base panel of the gauge as B4XView
      • BringToFront
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes a xGauge
        Callback is the calling module
        EventNam3 is the generic event name, not used
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • ReInitialize
        Reinitializes the gauge
      • RemoveView
        Removes the xGauge from its parent view
      • SendToBack
    • Properties:
      • BackgroundColor As Int
        sets or gets the BackgroundColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.BackgroundColor = xui.Color_White
      • BorderColor As Int
        sets or gets the BorderColor property
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.BorderColor = xui.Color_Gray
      • BorderWidth As Int
        sets or gets the BorderWidth
        Example: xGauge1.BorderWidth = 5
      • CornerRadius As Int
        sets or gets the CornerRadius property
        Example: xGauge1.CornerRadius = 5
      • CustomScaleEndAngle As Int
        sets or gets the CustomScaleEndAngle
        Start angle for Custom scale angle gazge type.
        trigonometric angles 0 at 3 o'clock
        positive counter clockwise
      • CustomScaleStartAngle As Int
        sets or gets the CustomScaleStartAngle
        Start angle for Custom scale angle gazge type.
        trigonometric angles 0 at 3 o'clock
        positive counter clockwise
      • GaugeTitle As String
        sets or gets GaugeTitle property
      • GaugeType As String
        sets or gets GaugeType property
        possible values 90° Top, 180°, 270°, 90° Left, Custom scale angles
        for Custom scale angles you can set the start and the end angle
      • GaugeUnit As String
        sets or gets GaugeUnit property
      • HalfTicks As Boolean
        gets or sets if half (intermedaite) tick are required
        one tick between two main ticks
      • Left As Double
        sets or gets the Left property
      • MainTickNumber As Int
        gets or sets the number of main ticks
        for a scale from 0 to 10 then number must be 11
      • NeedleBitmapFileName As String
        sets or gets the NeedleBitmapFileName
        enter 'no file' without the quotes to use the default needle
      • NeedleColor As Int
        sets or gets the NeedleColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.NeedleColor = xui.Color_Gray
      • NeedleON As Boolean
        sets or gets the NeedleON property
        shows or hides the needle
        default value True
      • Parent As B4XView
        gets the Parent view
        read only
      • ScaleColor As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleColor = xui.Color_Black
      • ScaleHighLimitColor As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleHighLimitColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleHighLimitColor = xui.Color_Red
      • ScaleHighLimitPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleHighLimitPerCent property
        it is drawn from the given percent to the scale end
        given in pecent of the scale
      • ScaleLowLimitColor As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleLowLimitColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.NeedleColor = xui.Color_RGB(526, 165, 0)
      • ScaleLowLimitPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleLowLimitPerCent property
        given in pecent of the scale
        it drawn from the scale start to the given percent
      • ScaleMidLimit2Color As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimit2Color
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleMidLimitColor = xui.Color_RGB(526, 165, 0)
      • ScaleMidLimit2Colors As Int()
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimit2Color
        it must be an Array of xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleMidLimit2Color = Array As Int (xui.Color_RGB(255, 165, 0), xui.Color_Red)
      • ScaleMidLimit2StartPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimit2StartPerCent property
        it is drawn from the given start percent over the sweep percent
        given in pecent of the scale
      • ScaleMidLimit2SweepPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimit2SweepPerCent property
        it is drawn from the given start percent over the sweep percent
        given in pecent of the scale
      • ScaleMidLimitColor As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimitColor
        it must be an xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleMidLimitColor = xui.Color_RGB(526, 165, 0)
      • ScaleMidLimitColors As Int
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimitColors
        it must be an Array xui.Color
        Example: xGauge1.ScaleMidLimitColors = Array As Int (xui.Color_RGB(255, 165, 0), xui.Color_Red)
      • ScaleMidLimitStartPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimitStartPerCent property
        it is drawn from the given start percent over the sweep percent
        given in pecent of the scale
      • ScaleMidLimitSweepPerCent As Double
        sets or gets the ScaleMidLimitSweepPerCent property
        it is drawn from the given start percent over the sweep percent
        given in pecent of the scale
      • SmallTicksNumber As Int
        gets or sets the SmallTickNumber property
        SmallTicksNumber small ticks will drawn between two main ticks
        for a decimal scale SmallTickNumber = 10, eventhough only 9 ticks are seen, the 10th is hidden by the main tick
      • Tag As Object
      • TickText As String
        gets or sets the texts for the ticks
        the values between two || are displayed equally spaced on the scale
        Example: 0|20|40|60|80|100 or E|1/2|F
      • Top As Double
        sets or gets the Top property
      • Value As Double
        sets the value of the gauge
        the value must be between ValueMin and ValueMax
      • ValueMax As Double
        gets or sets the max value of the gauge
      • ValueMin As Double
        gets or sets the min value of the gauge
      • Width As Double
        sets or gets the width of the gauge
        there is no height property because the height is equal to the width

xGaugesRect only the specific Functions and Properties are shown below.

Author: Klaus CHRISTL
Version: 1.2
  • xGaugesRect
    • Functions:
      • Cursor2Color As Int
        sets or gets the Cursor2Color property
        it must be an Array of xui.Color
      • Cursor2ON As Boolean
        sets or gets the Cursor2ON property
      • Cursor2Value As Double
        sets or gets the Corner2Value
        the value must be between ValueMin and ValueMax
      • CursorColor As Int
        sets or gets the Cursor2Color property
        it must be an Array of xui.Color
      • CursorON As Boolean
        sets or gets the CursorON property
      • CursorValue As Double
        sets or gets the CornerValue
        the value must be between ValueMin and ValueMax


  • xGauges.gif
    481.5 KB · Views: 927
  • 1629631106166.png
    14.8 KB · Views: 575
  • xGaugesDemoV2_0.zip
    48.6 KB · Views: 168
  • xGauges.b4xlib
    7.9 KB · Views: 165
  • xGaugesRect.b4xlib
    8.2 KB · Views: 173
  • xGauges.xml
    18.2 KB · Views: 165
  • xGaugesRect.xml
    19.4 KB · Views: 164
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Works great,
only thing I did different in the 2nd mid scale I implemented was to call them ScaleMid2LimitColor etc instead of ScaleMidLimitColor2. As it made sense when I was doing it as it’s the second mid scale rather than a second color of the first one.

thanks for your great code and efforts it’s very helpful to be able to learn more about b4a from your examples


Licensed User
Longtime User
The xGauges library has been updated to version 1.8
Added new xGaugesRect library
Added BorderWidth, BorderColor and CorenerRadius properties.
Added ScaleMidLimit2StartPerCent, ScaleMidLimit2SweepPerCent, ScaleMidLimit2Color properties.
Added gradient colors for the limit zones.
Changed setValueMin and setValueMax from Int to Double.