Please help i have two table the sent messages table and the recieved messages table how can i be in position to save the conversation on the chat also be in position to delete some conversation
sent sms table has fields below how can i be in position to save the conversation on this chat. so that when i click on chat i can be in position to view the previous communication. Note: for example on whatsup you can be in position to see previous conversation and last reply from that conversation on one layout thanks.
Please members help me out on this question iam still stack with this kind of chat messaging solution
Recieved sms table has the fields below
sent sms table has fields below how can i be in position to save the conversation on this chat. so that when i click on chat i can be in position to view the previous communication. Note: for example on whatsup you can be in position to see previous conversation and last reply from that conversation on one layout thanks.
Please members help me out on this question iam still stack with this kind of chat messaging solution
Dim rs As ResultSet = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT DISTINCT Datesent,Sms as SentMessage,ID FROM Sentmessages")
Recieved sms table has the fields below
Dim rs As ResultSet = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT DISTINCT Daterecieved,Sms as RecievedMessage,ID FROM Recievedsms")
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: B4A Example
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: portrait
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private chat1 As Chat
Private ime As IME
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.Title = "Chat Example"
End Sub
Sub IME_HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
#IgnoreWarnings: 6
Sub Class_Globals
Private xui As XUI
Private TextField As B4XFloatTextField
Private CLV As CustomListView
Private BBCodeView1 As BBCodeView
Private Engine As BCTextEngine
Private bc As BitmapCreator
Private ArrowWidth As Int = 10dip
Private Gap As Int = 6dip
Private pnlBottom As B4XView
Private LastUserLeft As Boolean = True
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (Parent As B4XView)
bc.Initialize(300, 300)
TextField.NextField = TextField
End Sub
Private Sub lblSend_Click
If TextField.Text.Length > 0 Then
LastUserLeft = Not(LastUserLeft)
AddItem(TextField.Text, LastUserLeft)
End If
#if B4J
Dim ta As TextArea = TextField.TextField
#else if B4A
Dim et As EditText = TextField.TextField
#else if B4i
Dim ta As TextView = TextField.TextField
#end if
End Sub
'Modifies the layout when the keyboard state changes.
Public Sub HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int)
Dim c As B4XView = CLV.AsView
c.Height = NewHeight - pnlBottom.Height
CLV.Base_Resize(c.Width, c.Height)
pnlBottom.Top = NewHeight - pnlBottom.Height
End Sub
Private Sub AddItem (Text As String, Right As Boolean)
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.Color = xui.Color_Transparent
Dim User As String
If Right Then User = "User 2" Else User = "User 1"
BBCodeView1.ExternalRuns = BuildMessage(Text, User)
Dim ivText As B4XView = CreateImageView
'get the bitmap from BBCodeView1 foreground layer.
Dim bmpText As B4XBitmap = GetBitmap(BBCodeView1.ForegroundImageView)
'the image might be scaled by Engine.mScale. The "correct" dimensions are:
Dim TextWidth As Int = bmpText.Width / Engine.mScale
Dim TextHeight As Int = bmpText.Height / Engine.mScale
'bc is not really used here. Only the utility method.
bc.SetBitmapToImageView(bmpText, ivText)
Dim ivBG As B4XView = CreateImageView
'Draw the bubble.
Dim bmpBG As B4XBitmap = DrawBubble(TextWidth, TextHeight, Right)
bc.SetBitmapToImageView(bmpBG, ivBG)
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, - 2dip, TextHeight + 3 * Gap)
If Right Then
p.AddView(ivBG, p.Width - bmpBG.Width * xui.Scale, Gap, bmpBG.Width * xui.Scale, bmpBG.Height * xui.Scale)
p.AddView(ivText, p.Width - Gap - ArrowWidth - TextWidth, 2 * Gap, TextWidth, TextHeight)
p.AddView(ivBG, 0, Gap, bmpBG.Width * xui.Scale, bmpBG.Height * xui.Scale)
p.AddView(ivText, Gap + ArrowWidth, 2 * Gap, TextWidth, TextHeight)
End If
CLV.Add(p, Null)
End Sub
Private Sub ScrollToLastItem
If CLV.Size > 0 Then
If > Then
CLV.ScrollToItem(CLV.Size - 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBubble (Width As Int, Height As Int, Right As Boolean) As B4XBitmap
'The bubble doesn't need to be high density as it is a simple drawing.
Width = Ceil(Width / xui.Scale)
Height = Ceil(Height / xui.Scale)
Dim ScaledGap As Int = Ceil(Gap / xui.Scale)
Dim ScaledArrowWidth As Int = Ceil(ArrowWidth / xui.Scale)
Dim nw As Int = Width + 2 * ScaledGap + ScaledArrowWidth
Dim nh As Int = Height + 2 * ScaledGap
If bc.mWidth < nw Or bc.mHeight < nh Then
bc.Initialize(Max(bc.mWidth, nw), Max(bc.mHeight, nh))
End If
bc.DrawRect(bc.TargetRect, xui.Color_Transparent, True, 0)
Dim r As B4XRect
Dim path As BCPath
Dim clr As Int
If Right Then clr = 0xFFEFEFEF Else clr = 0xFFC1F7A3
If Right Then
r.Initialize(0, 0, nw - ScaledArrowWidth, nh)
path.Initialize(nw - 1, 1)
path.LineTo(nw - 1 - (10 + ScaledArrowWidth), 1)
path.LineTo(nw - 1 - ScaledArrowWidth, 10)
path.LineTo(nw - 1, 1)
r.Initialize(ScaledArrowWidth, 1, nw, nh)
path.Initialize(1, 1)
path.LineTo((10 + ScaledArrowWidth), 1)
path.LineTo(ScaledArrowWidth, 10)
path.LineTo(1, 1)
End If
bc.DrawRectRounded(r, clr, True, 0, 10)
bc.DrawPath(path, clr, True, 0)
bc.DrawPath(path, clr, False, 2)
Dim b As B4XBitmap = bc.Bitmap
Return b.Crop(0, 1, nw, nh)
End Sub
Private Sub BuildMessage (Text As String, User As String) As List
Dim title As BCTextRun = Engine.CreateRun(User & CRLF)
title.TextFont = BBCodeView1.ParseData.DefaultBoldFont
Dim TextRun As BCTextRun = Engine.CreateRun(Text & CRLF)
Dim time As BCTextRun = Engine.CreateRun(DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now))
time.TextFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(10)
time.TextColor = xui.Color_Gray
Return Array(title, TextRun, time)
End Sub
Private Sub GetBitmap (iv As ImageView) As B4XBitmap
#if B4J
Return iv.GetImage
#Else If B4A or B4i
Return iv.Bitmap
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub CLV_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
#if B4i
Dim tf As View = TextField.TextField
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub CreateImageView As B4XView
Dim iv As ImageView
Return iv
End Sub
#if B4J
Sub lblSend_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
End Sub
#end if
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