Hello there,
I am currently working on my new project, and I need some help.
I need to send a HTTP Post request to this url for example: http://example.com/ and I need to give parameters in the message body.
How do i do this?
for example this:
<InputURL>[input image URL]</InputURL>
<InputType>[input type (PDF/TIF/PNG/JPG/etc.)]</InputType>
Now, I don't know what I need to put in the inputstream and length, and how to handle the parameters..
Can you please help me? It would me really much appreciated.
I am currently working on my new project, and I need some help.
I need to send a HTTP Post request to this url for example: http://example.com/ and I need to give parameters in the message body.
How do i do this?
for example this:
<InputURL>[input image URL]</InputURL>
<InputType>[input type (PDF/TIF/PNG/JPG/etc.)]</InputType>
Dim request As HttpRequest
If HttpClient1.Execute(request, 1) = False Then Return
ProgressDialogShow("Please wait...Searching")
Now, I don't know what I need to put in the inputstream and length, and how to handle the parameters..
Can you please help me? It would me really much appreciated.