I've been attempting to get my colours the way I like, and after lots of playing around, I've ensured that the only BLACK is the "IdeBackground"... (see B4A.xml below)
However the top portion of the code the "Project Attributes", and the "Activity Attributes" #TEXT is still black... (i.e. black on black, can't see it)... Is there a KEY that I'm missing or something?
Please see this image...
Here is my B4A.xml colours,
<Style Key="IdeBackground" ForeColor="Black"/>
<Style Key="ContentDivider" ForeColor="ControlDark"/>
<Style Key="LineNumber" ForeColor="White" />
<Style Key="ToolTipBackground" ForeColor="Info" />
<Style Key="ToolTipDefaultStyle" ForeColor="White" />
<Style Key="DefaultStyle" ForeColor="DarkOrchid"/>
<Style Key="GlobalVariablesStyle" ForeColor="Orange"/>
<Style Key="ReservedWordStyle" ForeColor="White" />
<Style Key="NumberStyle" ForeColor="Purple" />
<Style Key="TypeWordStyle" ForeColor="White" />
<Style Key="StringDefaultStyle" ForeColor="LightSteelBlue" />
<Style Key="CommentDefaultStyle" ForeColor="Green" />
<Style Key="SelectionHighlight" ForeColor="PaleTurquoise" />
<Style Key="ReferenceHighlight" ForeColor="Aqua" />
<Style Key="WarningColor" ForeColor="YellowGreen" />
<Style Key="ErrorColor" ForeColor="Red" />
<Style Key="UndeclaredIdentifier" ForeColor="Red" />
<Style Key="Annotation" ForeColor="OrangeRd" />
<Style Key="PreProcessorDirectiveKeywordStyle" Name="Pre-Processor Directive Keyword" ForeColor="White" />
PS - I've played with the Cobrasoft editor, for some time now, and for some reason isn't reading the most up to date B4A.xml file (it's missing some of the Keys, it seems)... so when starting up the B4A IDE, it just goes fails to start. Seems manual editing (trial and error) is the only way to go about this... I'm quite surprised that there isn't a feature yet in the IDE to set all these colours properly.
Thanks again! A very cool product!