As in the other B4X tools you can embed C or C++ code in the project.
The native method signature must be as written above. It can optionally return a B4R::Object*.
In most cases it is simpler to work with global variables.
Note that the global variable names are lower cased and the name includes the current module in the following format b4r_<current module lower case>.
You can add #include commands as demonstrated in the next example.
In this example we will use an external library named Narcoleptic. With this library we can put the board in deep sleep to preserve battery.
The library is available here:
You need to download the h and cpp files and put them under arduino\libraries\Narcoleptic.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private Result, N1, N2 As Int 'ignore
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
N1 = 10
N2 = 20
RunNative("Add", Null)
Log("Result: ", Result)
End Sub
#if C
void Add (B4R::Object* o) {
//lower case variables
b4r_main::_result = b4r_main::_n1 + b4r_main::_n2;
#End if
In most cases it is simpler to work with global variables.
Note that the global variable names are lower cased and the name includes the current module in the following format b4r_<current module lower case>.
You can add #include commands as demonstrated in the next example.
In this example we will use an external library named Narcoleptic. With this library we can put the board in deep sleep to preserve battery.
The library is available here:
You need to download the h and cpp files and put them under arduino\libraries\Narcoleptic.
Private Sub AppStart
RunNative("Delay", 5000)
Log("after: ", Millis, " (the internal timer was not updated during the sleep)")
End Sub
#if C
#include <Narcoleptic.h>
void Delay (B4R::Object* o) {
#End if