i am adding the the Intent Based Camera feature to my B4A app using the tutorial. The example app works fine for me. When I had the code to my own app I get the below runtime exception when I attempt to take a picture:
(RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getBA not found in: CommPayPro.App.job_pictures
The exception appears to be generated in this sub:
I am adding this to an Activity, not a B4XPage. I double-checked to make sure I have the manifest updated per the example and have not changed any of the code. What might I have done incorrectly? Thanks.
(RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getBA not found in: CommPayPro.App.job_pictures
The exception appears to be generated in this sub:
Sub StartActivityForResult(i As Intent)
Dim jo As JavaObject = Me
jo = jo.RunMethod("getBA", Null)
ion = jo.CreateEvent("anywheresoftware.b4a.IOnActivityResult", "ion", Null)
jo.RunMethod("startActivityForResult", Array(ion, i))
End Sub