Android Tutorial Intent Based Camera

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Newer example: [B4X] [B4XPages] Intent based camera

This example uses an intent to take a picture with the default camera app.

It is based on this tutorial:

It is simple to use and doesn't require any permission (*).

It does rely on the default camera app to work properly and save the image file in the path passed in the intent.
As a fallback, if the image was not saved it tries to get the thumbnail from the intent returned.

Don't miss the manifest editor code that is required for sharing file uris.


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Image is turned 90 degrees? How can I show in the right way?


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Is possibile add an editbox into the form where are "OK" and "Cancel" buttons ?


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Hi Guys

This code triggers an exception when used from within a class module

Sub GetBA As Object
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Dim cls As String = Me
   cls = cls.SubString("class ".Length)
   Return jo.GetField("processBA")
End Sub

The same code works fine if moved to parent activity.

Is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance


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Good morning,
When i take photo and returns to main app, app starts at landscape and immediately changes to portrait. I want to use this at my app, but this behavior is not professional.
Thank you for your time.

p.s. tried on Galaxy S4


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Can i use this code in all android version without problem? (i would like make without any library for take picture from camera)
Problems like "cannot connect to camera","cannot save output" or any problem that it is dangerous

Marcos Alves

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This example uses an intent to take a picture with the default camera app.

It is based on this tutorial:

It is simple to use and doesn't require any permission (*).

It does rely on the default camera app to work properly and save the image file in the path passed in the intent.
As a fallback, if the image was not saved it tries to get the thumbnail from the intent returned.

* - It uses RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal which means that you need to add the external storage permission to older versions of Android with this manifest code:
  android:maxSdkVersion="18" />

Is there any way to receive video from camera also?

Deleted member 103


I have changed the example of Erel so that the photos can now be saved under the default order "../DCIM/Camera".


    9.1 KB · Views: 636


Licensed User

I have changed the example of Erel so that the photos can now be saved under the default order "../DCIM/Camera".
it dose not work for me. (android 7.0)

how can change Erel's code such that taken picture directly save in File.DirRootExternal (for example, or in specific directory).
in the other word manifest be only write external storage and camera permission not default path.
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Deleted member 103

it dose not work for me. (android 7.0)

how can change Erel's code such that taken picture directly save in File.DirRootExternal.
in the other word manifest is only write external storage permission not default path.
You just have to change the "/DCIM/Camera" folder to your folder.
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