Wish iUI8 - create views in the code.


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TableView, NavControlExtra have Initlialize method and can be created in the code.
WKWebView, VisualEffectView don't have Initialize method and can't be created in the code.

Please add Initialize method to the WKWebView, VisualEffectView.
Thank you in advance.


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Moving forward there will be more custom views that can only be added with the designer.

You can create a small layout with only the view you like, load it and then take the view and do whatever you need.

I recommend all developers to use the visual designer to create the interface. This is especially true for B4J and B4i.


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Moving forward there will be more custom views that can only be added with the designer.
I recommend all developers to use the visual designer to create the interface. This is especially true for B4J and B4i.

When I started to work with B4x tools, I tried to use Visual Designer, but I found several inconveniencies.
If I set properties in the code I can easily find all my changes via simple text search. If I change properties in Visual designer via GUI, I can't use text search, or use tools to compare text in the several versions of the module :(.
In the code I can change order of setting properties, set them based on values of settings from DB, values entered by a user, or values come to app from other sources and etc. I.e. I have much more flexibility and everything what I do, I can find in one one place - in the code. With Visual Designer part of changes in the GUI, part in Designer script, part in the code :(

Visual Designer, Custom views and other enhancements you added to B4x are really great !!! I and other members of the B4X community appreciate very much your efforts to do B4x tools better and more powerful !

Me (and I believe some other developers) will be very grateful to you, to leave several options to create the interface.
For some developers it's more convinient to work with Visual Designer, for others to do everything in the code.

You can create a small layout with only the view you like, load it and then take the view and do whatever you need.
Will be I able to change all the properties at run-time ? Do I understand right, that I wiil be able just to replace Initialize with LoadLayout, and do everything else in the code ?


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Will be I able to change all the properties at run-time ?
It depends on the implementation. Not in all cases. The core views are fully supported from code.

The visual designer is very powerful. Take the time to learn how to use it properly and you will see that it is much simpler than building the layout programmatically.

Unlike in B4A where you can build the layout once in Activity_Create, in B4J and B4i you must handle the resize events of all panels. With the designer you can just set the anchors and everything will work automatically.


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The visual designer is very powerful.
Without any doubts. And with each new version of B4x tools becomes better !
But inconveniencies I have described above can't be removed.

Unlike in B4A where you can build the layout once in Activity_Create, in B4J and B4i you must handle the resize events of all panels. With the designer you can just set the anchors and everything will work automatically.
I have created base classes with methods which handle the resize events of all panels automatically and I don't repeat this code in my apps. I just add to my apps these base classes.

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