This class by itself is not useful.
You can get this data with this library:
Hello Erel, Thanks for your reply.
I had learned about PhoneStateListener library and I can get the Cellinfo and SignalStrength of the
current cell through this library successfully, but I need more data about
NeighboringCellInfo , this seems not included in the library.
I use TelephonyManager.getAllcellInfo by JavaObject , code:
Oblist = Obj.RunMethodJO("getAllCellInfo", Null)
Dim ObjPri As JavaObject = Oblist.Get(0)
Dim ObjPriInfo As JavaObject = ObjPri.RunMethod("getCellIdentity",Null)
Dim ObjPriSgn As JavaObject = ObjPri.RunMethod("getCellSignalStrength",Null)
In this way, I hope to get information of all cells. But in fact, I got the result about CellIdentity and CellSignalStrength, CellIdentity result is correct, but the value of signalstrength is incorrect, the log is :
(CellSignalStrengthCdma) CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=0 evdoEcio=0 evdoSnr=0
In this mean,I think I can not get the signalstrength value of
neighbour cell by TelephonyManager API, so I want to test other similar APIs.
Can you give me some advice about this question?