Hi Erel
Thanks for your reply. One last question
Is there anyway of detecting that the menu has opened or closed?
Thanks for your reply. One last question
Is there anyway of detecting that the menu has opened or closed?
If smnew.Visible = True Then
smnew.Visible = False
Dim jo As JavaObject = sm
Dim event As Object = jo.CreateEventFromUI("com.jeremyfeinstein.slidingmenu.lib.SlidingMenu$OnOpenListener", "Open", Null)
jo.RunMethod("setOnOpenListener", Array(event))
End Sub
Sub Open_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
End Sub
What about a little library with this Sliding Menu ?Is there a way to add the same slidingmenu to every activity I have? I read somewhere you could create an activity with the slidingmenu on it and heritate a new activity from this activity, but I don't know if that's possible in B4A.
sorry Sir Erel, i mean vertical scrolling, because i have contents on the bottom of the sliderHorizontal or vertical scrolling?
Sub VP_PageSelected (Position As Int)
If bar.SelectedIndex <> Position Then bar.SelectedIndex = Position
Msgbox(LastException,"Error VP_PageSelected")
End Try
If Position = 0 Then
Dim jo As JavaObject = smWrapper1
jo.RunMethod("setSlidingEnabled", Array(True)) 'or false
Dim jo As JavaObject = smWrapper2
jo.RunMethod("setSlidingEnabled", Array(False)) 'or false
Else 'smWrapper2 for the rest of the tabs, except tab 0
Dim jo As JavaObject = smWrapper1
jo.RunMethod("setSlidingEnabled", Array(False)) 'or false
Dim jo As JavaObject = smWrapper2
jo.RunMethod("setSlidingEnabled", Array(True)) 'or false
End If
End Sub