Jorge Santamaria Magana
I was advised by the administrator to open another thread, providing more information about the issue. I’m using B4XPages (I'm migrating from activities to B4XPages) and I'm new to this approach. I'm trying to make it so that when the user hasn't logged in, the login screen is shown, and if they are already logged in, it goes directly to the app with the login data, without having to enter the credentials every time the app starts. My issue is that after 5 to 7 minutes in the background, the app asks for the login again. I was recommended to use KVS, and here is what I have and what it generates: I have this code in the B4XMainPage:
And in formprincipal_B4XPages, I have this code:
When we start for the first time, it achieves the objective and everything is displayed correctly, but when the app goes into the background and is restarted, on the line:
CLV1.Add(CreateItem(CLV1.AsView.Width, nombreComercio, bitmaps.Get(1), content,i,logo,url_store,telefono,estatusActual,isOpenToday,url_ubicacion), "")
It generates this error:
Please help me!!!!!
Code in B4XMainPage:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private BtnSigIn As Button
Private ImageView1 As ImageView
Private Label1 As Label
Private Label2 As Label
Private Label3 As Label
Private LabelAgregarCuenta As Label
Private LabelForgetPass As Label
Private LabelPass As Label
Private LabelRecovery As Label
Private LabelTitle1 As Label
Private LabelTitle2 As Label
Private LabelUser As Label
Private LabelView As Label
Private Panel1 As Panel
Private Panel2 As Panel
Private Panel3 As Panel
Private PanelNaranja As Panel
Private PanelToolBar As Panel
Private TextPassword As EditText
Private TextUser As EditText
'other variables
Dim ImageIndex As Int
Dim ImageTimer As Timer
Dim tableApi As String = "api_jaanal_gloriafood.php"
Dim insertdata As HttpJob
Dim deletedata As HttpJob
Dim updatedata As HttpJob
Dim selectdata As HttpJob
'trae los logos de comercios en hexadecimal
Dim getLogoComercios As HttpJob
'obtener la info del user
Dim getInfoUser As HttpJob
'obtener informacion de los comercios
Dim getInfoComercios As HttpJob
' Declarar una variable para la librería Base64
Dim su As StringUtils ' Declarar el objeto StringUtils
Dim busquedadata As HttpJob 'es cuando hago una búsqueda
Private MyListBlob As List
Private CurrentImageIndex As Int
Private ImageSlider1 As ImageSlider
Private CurrentImageIndex As Int
Private ImageViewBlop As ImageView
Dim myProgressDialog As CustomProgressDialog
Dim TotalProgress As Int
' Declare una variable para el Panel del diálogo
Dim dialogPanel As Panel
'Private ImageViewDialog As ImageView
Private ImageViewDialog As ImageView
Private LabelTittle As Label
Private LabelDialogTittle As Label
' Private imgsplash As B4XImageView
' Private lbsplash As Label
' Private lbsplashL As Label
' Private psplash As Panel
' Private ProgressBar1 As SD_LoadingIndicator
' Private Root As Panel ' Añadido para manejar el panel raíz
' Private t As Timer
Private LabelAgregarCuenta As Label
Private LabelView As Label
Private LabelRecovery As Label
Private ver As Boolean = False
Private password_recovery As String
Private usuario_recovery As String
Public KVS As KeyValueStore
Dim adduser_B4XPages_obj As adduser_B4XPages
Dim login_B4XPages_obj As B4XMainPage
Dim formprincipal_B4XPages_obj As formprincipal_B4XPages
Dim vermapaubicacion_B4XPages_obj As vermapaubicacioncomercio_B4XPages
Dim consolarestaurante_B4XPages_obj As consolarestaurante_B4XPages
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
' B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
' Log ("KVS Inicializado")
If KVS.ContainsKey("user") Then 'If we've logged before, go directly to PageData (Si hemos iniciado sesión con anterioridad, vamos directamente a la página de datos)
Log("KVS Ya hemos iniciado sesion: " & KVS.Get("user"))
' B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Remove("user")
' B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Remove("id_user")
' B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Remove("estado_id")
' B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Remove("municipio_id")
B4XPages.AddPage("formprincipal_B4XPages", formprincipal_B4XPages_obj)
Log("KVS no se ha iniciado sesion")
End If
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
' 'inicializamos para saber si el usuario se ha registrado
' KVS.Initialize(xui.DefaultFolder,"kvs") 'We use KVS to save the logged user (Usaremos KVS para guardar el usuario que inicia sesión)
'ProgressTimer.Initialize("ProgressTimer", 100)
'wait for (getAllLogoComercios) Complete (Answer As Boolean)
'If Answer=True Then
'If FirstTime Then
ImageTimer.Initialize("ImageTimer", 2000) ' Cambia el intervalo según lo necesites (en milisegundos)
ImageTimer.Enabled = True
ImageIndex = 0
' Inicializa el temporizador para cambiar de imagen cada 3 segundos
' timerSecuencia.Initialize("timerSecuencia", 3000) ' 3000 ms = 3 segundos
' timerSecuencia.Enabled = True
' btnSiguiente_Click
'End If
'End If
End Sub
Code in formprincipal_B4XPages:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView 'ignore
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Private const R As Double = 6371.0 ' Radio de la Tierra en kilómetros
Public WobbleMenu1 As WobbleMenu
Private CLV1 As CustomListView
'Private ImageView1 As B4XView
Private ImageView1 As ImageView
Private lblTitle As B4XView
Private lblContent As B4XView
Private lblAction1 As Label
Private lblAction2 As Label
Private Label1 As B4XView
Private UM_AddToCart1 As UM_AddToCart
Private precio As Double = 60
Dim importeTotal As Double = 0
Private Label2 As Label
' Declaración de una lista global para almacenar los paneles
Private PanelList As List
Dim tableApi As String = "api_jaanal_gloriafood.php"
Dim getInfoComercios As HttpJob
Dim getInfoEstados As HttpJob
Dim getInfoMunicipios As HttpJob
' Declarar una variable para la librería Base64
Dim su As StringUtils ' Declarar el objeto StringUtils
Dim listaComercios As List
Dim listaEstados As List
Dim listaMunicipios As List
Private btnTienda As Button
Private LabelUrl As Label
Private LabelPhone As Label
Private LabelWhatsapp As Label
Private LabelEstatus As Label
Private timerActualizarEstatus As Timer
Dim n As Notification
'Private btnEstado As Button
Private xDialog As B4XDialog
Private xListTemplate As B4XListTemplate
Private xDialogMunicipio As B4XDialog
Private xListTemplateMunicipio As B4XListTemplate
Private btnIconEstado As IconButton
Private btnIconMunicipio As IconButton
Private LabelMaps As Label
Dim Awake As PhoneWakeState
' Declaración de variables locales
Private lat1 As Double = 20.1897702 ' Latitud del primer punto
Private lon1 As Double = -89.267435 ' Longitud del primer punto
Private lat2 As Double = 20.2193758 ' Latitud del segundo punto
Private lon2 As Double = -89.309799 ' Longitud del segundo punto
Private rp As RuntimePermissions
Public KVS As KeyValueStore
End Sub
'You can add more parameters here.
Public Sub Initialize As Object
Return Me
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
'load the layout to Root
B4XPages.AddMenuItem(Me, "Item 1")
B4XPages.AddMenuItem(Me, "Item 2")
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Bienvenid@: " & globales.nombreUserOnline)
' Private mi As
' ' Crear un menú con icono
' mi = Activity.AddMenuItem("Otro item", "MenuItem3")
' mi.AddToBar = True
' mi.Bitmap = LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "profile.png", 64dip, 64dip, True)
'Activity.AddMenuItem3("Notify", "Notify",LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "profile64.png"),True)
'WobbleMenu1.SetTabTextIcon(1,"Main Page",Chr(0xF009),Typeface.FONTAWESOME)
'WobbleMenu1.SetTabTextIcon(5,"New Page2",Chr(0xF009),Typeface.FONTAWESOME)
WobbleMenu1.SetCurrentTab2(1, False)
If B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.ContainsKey("user") Then 'si ya se ha iniciado sesion entonces leemos el valor del estado id
'leer un valor de kms KVS.Get("user")
If Not(CLV1.IsInitialized) Then
Log("ya esta inicializado")
End If
ProgressDialogShow("Preparando Comercios...")
wait for (getInfoComerciosActivos(B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Get("estado_id"),B4XPages.MainPage.KVS.Get("municipio_id"))) Complete (Answer As Boolean)
'entonces lo hacemos con los valores de primera vez porque globales ya tiene un valor
ProgressDialogShow("Preparando Comercios...")
wait for (getInfoComerciosActivos(globales.idEstadoUserOnline,globales.idMunicipioUserOnline)) Complete (Answer As Boolean)
End If
' ProgressDialogShow("Preparando Comercios...")
' wait for (getInfoComerciosActivos(globales.idEstadoUserOnline,globales.idMunicipioUserOnline)) Complete (Answer As Boolean)
Dim bitmaps As List = Array("ham.jpg", "ham2.jpg", _
"ham3.jpg", "ham4.jpg")
For i = 0 To listaComercios.Size - 1 'era 4
Dim comercioInfo As Map = listaComercios.Get(i)
Dim idComercio As String = comercioInfo.Get("IDCOMERCIO")
Dim nombreComercio As String = comercioInfo.Get("NOMBRE_COMERCIO")
Dim direccion As String = comercioInfo.Get("DIRECCION")
Dim correo As String = comercioInfo.Get("CORREO")
Dim telefono As String = comercioInfo.Get("TELEFONO")
Dim sitioWeb As String = comercioInfo.Get("SITIOWEB")
Dim hrApertura As String = comercioInfo.Get("HRAPERTURA")
Dim hrCierre As String = comercioInfo.Get("HRCIERRE")
Dim lunes As String = comercioInfo.Get("LUNES")
Dim martes As String = comercioInfo.Get("MARTES")
Dim miercoles As String = comercioInfo.Get("MIERCOLES")
Dim jueves As String = comercioInfo.Get("JUEVES")
Dim viernes As String = comercioInfo.Get("VIERNES")
Dim sabado As String = comercioInfo.Get("SABADO")
Dim domingo As String = comercioInfo.Get("DOMINGO")
Dim estado As String = comercioInfo.Get("ESTADO")
Dim municipio As String = comercioInfo.Get("MUNICIPIO")
'comercioInfo.Put("URL_STORE", coljRoot.Get("url_store"))
Dim logo As Bitmap = comercioInfo.Get("LOGO")
Dim url_store As String =comercioInfo.Get("URL_STORE")
Dim url_ubicacion As String = comercioInfo.Get("URL_UBICACION")
Dim sb As StringBuilder
If lunes = "SI" Then sb.Append("Lunes, ")
If martes = "SI" Then sb.Append("Martes, ")
If miercoles = "SI" Then sb.Append("Miércoles, ")
If jueves = "SI" Then sb.Append("Jueves, ")
If viernes = "SI" Then sb.Append("Viernes, ")
If sabado = "SI" Then sb.Append("Sábado, ")
If domingo = "SI" Then sb.Append("Domingo, ")
Dim result As String = sb.ToString
' Quita la última coma y el espacio si la cadena no está vacía
If result.Length > 0 Then
result = result.SubString2(0, result.Length - 2)
End If
'codigo para saber si abre hoy o no:
' Obtiene el día de la semana actual
Dim today As Int = DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(DateTime.Now)
Dim isOpenToday As Boolean = False
Select today
Case 1
If domingo = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 2
If lunes = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 3
If martes = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 4
If miercoles = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 5
If jueves = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 6
If viernes = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
Case 7
If sabado = "SI" Then isOpenToday = True
End Select
If isOpenToday Then
Log("El comercio está abierto hoy.")
End If
Dim estatusActual As String = CheckComercioStatus(comercioInfo)
Dim content As String = direccion & "." & CRLF & municipio & ", " & estado & CRLF & "Abre: " & hrApertura & CRLF & "Cierra: " & hrCierre & CRLF & result & CRLF & "Tel. " & telefono & CRLF & "Email: " & correo '& CRLF & url_store
CLV1.Add(CreateItem(CLV1.AsView.Width, nombreComercio, bitmaps.Get(1), content,i,logo,url_store,telefono,estatusActual,isOpenToday,url_ubicacion), "")
wait for (getAllEstados) Complete (AnswerEstados As Boolean)
If AnswerEstados = True Then
MsgboxAsync("No existen Estados o se generó un error al leerlos","Mensaje")
End If
'##Finaliza aqui
' Notificación
n.Icon = "icon"
n.AutoCancel= False
n.SetInfo("Teclado", "Ejemplo de notificación", "")
Dim bm As BitmapDrawable
btnIconEstado.Text = "SELECCIONE EL ESTADO "
btnIconEstado.IconPadding = 50
Dim bm2 As BitmapDrawable
btnIconMunicipio.Text = "SELECCIONE EL MUNICIPIO"
btnIconMunicipio.IconPadding = 50
End Sub
When we start for the first time, it achieves the objective and everything is displayed correctly, but when the app goes into the background and is restarted, on the line:
CLV1.Add(CreateItem(CLV1.AsView.Width, nombreComercio, bitmaps.Get(1), content,i,logo,url_store,telefono,estatusActual,isOpenToday,url_ubicacion), "")
It generates this error:
Please help me!!!!!