Italian La prossima settimana, VACANZE... ma per ora vado avanti


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Bbboni state bboni..:)


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Purtroppo non esiste un forum per le discussioni generiche in italiano ma solo in inglese.

Ad Erel sembra non gradire che facciamo discussioni non tecniche in italiano.

Ma prima che chiuda anche questo, proporrei di seguire il suggerimento di Erel e spostarci in altro forum per le discussioni non tecniche, come ad esempio il forum di mamo o comunque da qualche altra parte.
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PS. Per LucaMs, probabilmente sono già nell'altra tabella del database dei cattivi


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Ad Erel sembra non gradire che facciamo discussioni non tecniche in italiano.
Veramente ha bloccato il thread proprio mentre facevamo discussioni tecniche, solo che in un certo modo si paragonava b4x a Xamarin.

Tra l'altro, visto che Erel legge anche questo, prova a fare una ricerca su b4x, con Xamarin, Android Studio e simili come parole chiave!

E' chiaro che capisco che non può far piacere leggere di altri prodotti nel proprio sito, ma... va beh, basta sprecare tempo!


B4X founder
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I have no problem with any comparison between Xamarin and B4X. B4X is a very good alternative to Xamarin.

I'm less happy to see endless mocking of Anywhere Software, B4X and myself. I find it a bit disrespectful that active members ask technical questions in the English forum, which I personally try to answer, and at the exact same time post here and laugh about Anywhere Software creations.


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Longtime User
I have no problem with any comparison between Xamarin and B4X. B4X is a very good alternative to Xamarin.

I'm less happy to see endless mocking of Anywhere Software, B4X and myself. I find it a bit disrespectful that active members ask technical questions in the English forum, which I personally try to answer, and at the exact same time post here and laugh about Anywhere Software creations.

We are not laughing about Anywhere Software, otherwise we would not have bought licenses for years!

And you know that you've scolded me for criticism of some things, like the Designer, in the past, and more recently on the Resumable Sub (in this case they were not even critical, it was and is the difficulty in handling them).

It is not incomprehensible that we all do not like criticism; and it is also difficult to admit it.

I loved b4a from the beginning and I also loved the forums (in fact, in the past I tried to help, as far as my ability., even writing 34 posts per day. A passion that is becoming zero; there are some reasons, probably.


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You probably have an Italian translator that does not work. No one laughed, denigrated or offended you in your work.

I give the thought already expressed, we bought b4a because we preferred it.

We are also discussing on other fronts and using other languages, like all developers (he also uses other languages), this does not mean that we respect your work.

The same is done on all languages, you will be confronted with other developers and you will know that the same conversations are happening for Android Studio, eclipse. Visual Studio, Visual Fox etc ..

Obviously Bill Gates does not read the comments in the forums of anyone who does not like Visual Studio and probably does not care about it.

I do not understand why it reacts so. Also because, as I repeat, he was still not denigrating his work in his person
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I'm less happy to see endless mocking of Anywhere Software, B4X and myself. I find it a bit disrespectful that active members ask technical questions in the English forum, which I personally try to answer, and at the exact same time post here and laugh about Anywhere Software creations.

io lavoro come infermiere, ho la vita delle persone nelle mie mani, eppure rido sempre del mio lavoro, e nel mio lavoro, ridere fa bene alla salute, al morale, e ci porta a lavorare meglio, dovresti essere contento che si ride qui, devi preoccuparti quando iniziano ad insultare o a non scrivere più, e questo non sta accadendo.
come dice la canzone, "do'nt worry be happy"

[ENG] (google traslate)
I work as a nurse, I have people's lives in my hands, yet I always laugh at my job, and in my work, laughing is good for health, morals, and leads us to work better, you should be glad you ride here, you have to worry when they start insulting or not writing anymore, and this is not happening.
as the song says, "do'nt worry be happy"