I want to create small applications that I use as separate additional modules (plugins) and launch these modules separated by a menu on the master application (like photoshop) ,,, is it possible?
thanks Erel, but I need to send a string to the main opening of the application that I launch, then over the path to open application I have to send variable parameters from case to case
Dim shl As Shell
shl.Initialize("shl", "java", Array As String("-cp", "aps.jar", "b4j.example.main", "http://www.b4x.com"))
shl.WorkingDirectory = File.Combine(File.DirApp,"plugins")
shl.Run(10000) 'set a timeout of 10 seconds
StartMessageLoop 'need to call this as this is a console app.
Array As String("-cp", "aps.jar", "b4j.example.main", "http://www.b4x.com")
shl.Initialize("shl", "java.exe", Array As String("-jar", "aps.jar"))
As regard your other query in post #6
1, -cp classPath - tells java where to look for referenced libraries or jars
3, just a parameter that the example needed. (looks like the entry point into the jar)
4, just another parameter
shl.Initialize("shl", "java.exe", Array As String("-jar", "aps.jar"))
As regard your other query in post #6
1, -cp classPath - tells java where to look for referenced libraries or jars
3, just a parameter that the example needed. (looks like the entry point into the jar)
4, just another parameter
I have the problem that when I close app called with {shl.Initialize("shl", "java", Array As String("-cp", "args.jar", "b4j.example.main", "Ivano Monti"))}, it also closes the parent app
Closing the child process shouldn't affect the parent process. I guess that you are doing something wrong in ProcessCompleted event. Check the logs for errors.
Closing the child process shouldn't affect the parent process. I guess that you are doing something wrong in ProcessCompleted event. Check the logs for errors.