B4A Library Leadbolt Ads

Hi all,

(Long post warning!)

I am going to release a new library for leadbolt.

Please use following link to register (it will help me get some referral bonusses, and it will cost you absolutely nothing):

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

If you thought admob was bad, and airpush was a fresh breath of air, wait till you try leadbolt!

Lets just say what I can get from leadbolt is at WORST twice what I get from admob, and at BEST so far is 6 times what I get from admob. <-- on a daily basis! (was very very close to hitting $100 in one of my days on leadbolt alone)

I am doing some fine tuning on the library and should release it within the next 24 hours.

So please show some support and love for humanity, and sign up with the link above... hehe.. you will really like the revenue generated.

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

To test the ads out, download one of my games, BallTapp:


It has admob, airpush and leadbolt in it.

On their site, they have a library for B4A built by them, that library adds the web type ads, something like what Millenial Media has. I have tried those and the returns are no fun at all.

Their push notifications are excellent, plus they arent as hated as airpush for some reason... overpublicity by airpush perhaps? LOL!

Do register your accounts with leadbolt and set up your ads for Notification (SDK) type.

Another good point about them is you will be assigned an accounts manager, who reply your mails and is contactable via IM. (unlike the unknown that is admob/google)

Questions or feedback welcome.

PS - Feedback is really appreciated as the other ad libraries I've released have had no responses if they work fine or not for others. :(



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How can you test LeadBolt notification ads? I tested in my 3 devices and 4 of my friend but I never see it. In dashboard, there're 23 new users.

App ads is another disappointed, my app got 113 impressions, 13 clicks but I earn nothing!


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How can you test LeadBolt notification ads? I tested in my 3 devices and 4 of my friend but I never see it. In dashboard, there're 23 new users.

App ads is another disappointed, my app got 113 impressions, 13 clicks but I earn nothing!


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Hi susu,

Notification ads sometimes dont show up for me too. If you're getting an increase of new users, then you're probably fine. Maybe leadbolt have no ads for your location at that time. Hope Brian can clarify on this.

App ads have been bad for me too. Thats why I only use notification ads.

Good luck!


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Thank you Bill! (I just know your name after read your great blog) :D


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Susu - what country are you viewing the notification ads from? As there are certain countries that don't have any active advertisers at the moment, this may be why you're not able to view the ad displays.

However, if you're seeing the number of new users increase, you can assume the notifications are displaying properly. Feel free to get me via Skype (leadboltbrian) and I'll take a look at your setup.

As we're still adding advertisers to the App Wall on a consistent basis, you should start seeing substantial eCPM rates here as well. A lot of publishers are seeing App Wall eCPM's equivalent to their rates with notifications. We'd love to hear how you're applying the app walls!

BTW - excellent blog post, Bill!

Jack Cole

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This is much appreciated, and I'll certainly give it a try.

Also, I was able to get your Greystripe library working. Did you ever do much good as far as revenue with that?


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This is much appreciated, and I'll certainly give it a try.

Also, I was able to get your Greystripe library working. Did you ever do much good as far as revenue with that?

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the reply. I will post revenue details of Greystripe in the other post.


Best Regards,


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BTW - excellent blog post, Bill!

Hi Brian,

Thanks for checking up on the post. Leadbolt is still my "favorite-est" ad option :D

For the App Wall, I had no technical issues getting it implemented. And to answer your query, I had the app wall implemented two ways. Both are when a user clicks the back button on the app (user chooses to quit the app).

1 - Prompt the user whether they'd llike to check out more apps.
2 - Just load the app wall.

In both cases, I load the appwall in the browser by raising an intent.

Unfortunately, over the last 7 days I made only $0.54 from this. In contrast, the AppBrain one generates about $2 to $4 per day for my top downloaded app.

Hope my feedback will help Leadbolt in improving the appwall in any way possible :D


Best Regards,


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counting clicks


i've just send an email to leadbolt about that,but i thought i ask here too
if anyone knows.

How can i count the clicks on the ad ?

leadbolt is doing their count,i would like to do mine!

thank you!


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Leadbolt released a new android sdk, my question is do i need too download the new one ore can i use the old.


You can keep the old one if you're not interested in the icon ad format or the new improvements, should be no issue [ plus, wont be fair to us if they disable the old SDK totally as our apps are already out there ;) ]



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Hi have a small problem with manifest. I am trying to add appbrain and leadbolt notification ads on the same app but it seems the receivers for each fight with each other and when i have both of them the notification ad does not work. Any idea?

<!-- LeadBolt notification ads -->
<receiver android:name="com.Leadbolt.AdNotification" />

<!-- AppBrain SDK -->
<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation" android:name="com.appbrain.AppBrainActivity" />
<service android:name="com.appbrain.AppBrainService" />
<receiver android:exported="true" android:name="com.appbrain.ReferrerReceiver" >
<action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />


Nevermind, its working great, seems i am getting notification ads just sometimes and that confused my testing.
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Hi nad,

Good that its working fine for you. Yeah I too have had times when the notification ads dont show, but try it a little later and it works.

Also, for those who are interested, I tried their Icon Ad, and it seems to give a more stable setup of the icon compared to airpush.

Lets wait for them to release an official B4A wrapper library, should be early this coming week.



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Hi All,

We now have the B4A wrapper for the new App Icon ads available. Please contact your assigned Account Manager and they'll be able to send you the file.




I have notification ads in my program:

adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True
adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds("123123123", adLeadbolt.adLeadbolt.ADS_NOTIFICATION)

and in leadbolt when I select on demand the ad shows, but if I select it as reocurring nothing arrives. do I have to put this code in a services module, or will it still run even when the program is closed?



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Hi sionco,

You don't have to put it in a service module. It will run even after your program is closed.

Sometimes there isn't an ad available to be sent out at a particular time. Test it back after a while.

Also double check you setup for recurring on stuff like "start in" and "repeat every" setup.

Good luck!


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LeadBolt Icon app

Hello all, i was wondering if anyone here has started using the new Leadbolt sdk, which has the new icon app feature, if anyone has done so, can you guys share your code so that i can see how to make use of this new feature please,

thanks guys,


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Sure... first you need the latest SDK and wrapper library. Email your AM if you don't have it yet.

Here is the code:

Dim lbicon As LeadboltWrapper
lbicon.AsynchTask = True
lbicon.loadLeadboltAds("xxxxxxxx", lbicon.ADS_ICON)

In manifest, extra permission needed:

    <uses-permission android:name="com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT"/>

Hope that helps!


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LeadBolt app ad icon

thanks ssg, i already talked to brian, and he told me to just download the new sdk from my help/faqs section in their website, i did that and i can only see a file called leadboltcontroller.jar which is version 3.0 i have moved that file to the library files inside the basic4android folder, i still do not see a difference, in your example the command lbicon.ADS_ICON does not appear when i try to implement it, what do you think i'm doing wrong?
